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STL In C++
1.1 Definition
The Standard Template Library provides a set of well structured generic C++ components that work together in a seamless way.–Alexander Stepanov & Meng Lee, Coined The Term Standard Template Library
A collection of composable class & function templates
– Helper class & function templates: operators, pair
– Container & iterator class templates
– Generic algorithms that operate over iterators
– Function objects
– Adaptorses.
Enables generic programming in C++
– Each generic algorithm can operate over any iterator for which the
necessary operations are provided
– Extensible: can support new algorithms, containers, iterators
1.2 Generic Programming | why We Should Use STL ?
Reuse: “write less, do more”
– STL hides complex, tedious & error prone details
– The programmer can then focus on the problem at hand
– Type-safe plug compatibility between STL components
• Flexibility
– Iterators decouple algorithms from containers
– Unanticipated combinations easily supported
• Efficiency
– Templates avoid virtual function overhead
– Strict attention to time complexity of algorithms
Features Of STL
STL containers are Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
• All containers are parameterized by the type(s) they contain
• Each container declares various traits
– e.g., iterator, const iterator, value type, etc.
• Each container provides factory methods for creating iterators:
– begin()/end() for traversing from front to back
– rbegin()/rend() for traversing from back to front
There are three types of containers
– Sequential containers that arrange the data they contain in a
linear manner
∗ Element order has nothing to do with their value
∗ Similar to builtin arrays, but needn’t be stored contiguous
– Associative containers that maintain data in structures suitable
for fast associative operations
∗ Supports efficient operations on elements using keys ordered
by operator<
∗ Implemented as balanced binary trees
– Adapters that provide different ways to access sequential &
associative containers
∗ e.g., stack, queue, & priority queue
std::vector is a dynamic
array that can grow & shrink
at the end
– e.g., it provides
indexed storage,
push back(),
pop back()
• Supports random access
• Similar to—but more
powerful than—built-in
C/C++ arrays
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
std::vector projects;
std::cout << "program name:"
<< argv[0] << std::endl;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
projects.push_back (argv [i]);
std::cout << projects [i - 1]
<< std::endl;
return 0;
• A std::deque (pronounced
“deck”) is a double-ended
• It adds efficient insertion &
removal at the beginning &
end of the sequence via
push front() &
pop front()
int main() {
std::deque a_deck;
a_deck.push_back (3);
a_deck.push_front (1);
a_deck.insert (a_deck.begin () + 1, 2);
a_deck[2] = 0;
std::copy (a_deck.begin (), a_deck.end (),
(std::cout, " "));
return 0;
std::list has
constant time
insertion & deletion at
any point in the
sequence (not just at
the beginning & end)
– performance
trade-off: does not
offer a random
access iterator
• Implemented as
doubly-linked list
int main() {
std::list a_list;
a_list.push_back ("banana");
a_list.push_front ("apple");
a_list.push_back ("carrot");
std::ostream_iterator out_it
(std::cout, "\n");
std::copy (a_list.begin (), a_list.end (), out_it);
std::reverse_copy (a_list.begin (), a_list.end (),
std::copy (a_list.rbegin (), a_list.rend (), out_it);
return 0;
An std::set is an
ordered collection
of unique keys
– e.g., a set of
student id
int main () {
std::set myset;
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) myset.insert (i*10);
std::pair::iterator,bool> ret =
myset.insert (20);
assert (ret.second == false);
int myints[] = {5, 10, 15};
myset.insert (myints, myints + 3);
std::copy (myset.begin (), myset.end (),
std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, "\n"));
return 0;
This template group is the
basis for the map & set
associative containers because
it stores (potentially)
heterogeneous pairs of data
• A pair binds a key (known as
the first element) with an
associated value (known as the
second element)
struct pair {
// Data members
T first;
U second;
// Default constructor
pair () {}
// Constructor from values
pair (const T& t, const U& u)
: first (t), second (u) {}
An std::map associates a value with each unique key – a student’s id number • Its value type is implemented as pair
An std::multiset or an std::multimap can support multiple
equivalent (non-unique) keys
– e.g., student first names or last names
• Uniqueness is determined by an equivalence relation
– e.g., strncmp() might treat last names that are distinguishable
by strcmp() as being the same
int main() {
const int N = 10;
int a[N] = {4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 5, 1, 0};
int b[N] = {4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 0, 1, 5, 5};
std::multiset A(a, a + N);
std::multiset B(b, b + N);
std::multiset C;
std::cout << "Set A: ";
std::copy(A.begin(), A.end(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Set B: ";
std::copy(B.begin(), B.end(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << std::endl;
STL iterators are a C++ implementation of the Iterator pattern
– This pattern provides access to the elements of an aggregate
object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation
– An Iterator object encapsulates the internal structure of how the
iteration occurs
• STL iterators are a generalization of pointers, i.e., they are objects
that point to other objects
• Iterators are often used to iterate over a range of objects: if an
iterator points to one element in a range, then it is possible to
increment it so that it points to the next element
• Iterators are central to generic programming because they are an
interface between containers & algorithms
– Algorithms typically take iterators as arguments, so a container
need only provide a way to access its elements using iterators
– This makes it possible to write a generic algorithm that operates
on many different kinds of containers, even containers as different
as a vector & a doubly linked list
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector projects; // Names of the projects
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
projects.push_back (std::string (argv [i]));
for (std::vector::iterator j = projects.begin ();
j != projects.end (); ++j)
std::cout << *j << std::endl;
return 0;
Iterator categories depend on type parameterization rather than on
inheritance: allows algorithms to operate seamlessly on both native
(i.e., pointers) & user-defined iterator types
• Iterator categories are hierarchical, with more refined categories
adding constraints to more general ones
– Forward iterators are both input & output iterators, but not all input
or output iterators are forward iterators
– Bidirectional iterators are all forward iterators, but not all forward
iterators are bidirectional iterators
– All random access iterators are bidirectional iterators, but not all
bidirectional iterators are random access iterators
• Native types (i.e., pointers) that meet the requirements can be used
as iterators of various kinds
• Input iterators are used to read values from a sequence
• They may be dereferenced to refer to some object & may be
incremented to obtain the next iterator in a sequence
• An input iterator must allow the following operations
– Copy ctor & assignment operator for that same iterator type
– Operators == & != for comparison with iterators of that type
– Operators * (can be const) & ++ (both prefix & postfix)
// Fill a vector with values read from standard input.
std::vector v;
for (istream_iterator i = cin;
i != istream_iterator ();
v.push_back (*i);
// Fill vector with values read from stdin using std::copy()
std::vector v;
std::copy (std::istream_iterator(std::cin),
std::back_inserter (v));
Output iterator is a type that provides a mechanism for storing (but
not necessarily accessing) a sequence of values
• Output iterators are in some sense the converse of Input Iterators,
but have a far more restrictive interface:
– Operators = & == & != need not be defined (but could be)
– Must support non-const operator * (e.g., *iter = 3)
• Intuitively, an output iterator is like a tape where you can write a value
to the current location & you can advance to the next location, but you
cannot read values & you cannot back up or rewind
// Copy a file to cout via a loop.
std::ifstream ifile ("example_file");
int tmp;
while (ifile >> tmp) std::cout << tmp;
// Copy a file to cout via input & output iterators
std::ifstream ifile ("example_file");
std::copy (std::istream_iterator (ifile),
std::istream_iterator (),
std::ostream_iterator (std::cout));
• Forward iterators must implement (roughly) the union of
requirements for input & output iterators, plus a default ctor
• The difference from the input & output iterators is that for two
forward iterators r & s, r==s implies ++r==++s
• A difference to the output iterators is that operator* is also valid
on the left side of operator= (*it = v is valid) & that the number
of assignments to a forward iterator is not restricted
void replace (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
const T& old_value, const T& new_value) {
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (*first == old_value) *first = new_value;
// Iniitalize 3 ints to default value 1
std::vector v (3, 1);
v.push_back (7); // vector v: 1 1 1 7
replace (v.begin(), v.end(), 7, 1);
assert (std::find (v.begin(), v.end(), 7) == v.end());
Bidirectional iterators allow algorithms to pass through the elements
forward & backward
• Bidirectional iterators must implement the requirements for forward
iterators, plus decrement operators (prefix & postfix)
• Many STL containers implement bidirectional iterators
– e.g., list, set, multiset, map, & multimap
void bubble_sort (BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
Compare comp) {
BidirectionalIterator left_el = first, right_el = first;
while (first != last)
while (right_el != last) {
if (comp(*right_el, *left_el)) std::swap (left_el, right_el);
left_el = first, right_el = first;
Random access iterators allow algorithms to have random access to
elements stored in a container that provides random access iterators
– e.g., vector & deque
• Random access iterators must implement the requirements for
bidirectional iterators, plus:
– Arithmetic assignment operators += & -=
– Operators + & – (must handle symmetry of arguments)
– Ordering operators < & > & <= & >=
– Subscript operator [ ]
std::vector v (1, 1);
v.push_back (2); v.push_back (3); v.push_back (4); // vector v: 1 2 3 4
std::vector::iterator i = v.begin();
std::vector::iterator j = i + 2; cout << *j << " ";
i += 3; std::cout << *i << " ";
j = i - 1; std::cout << *j << " ";
j -= 2;
std::cout << *j << " ";
std::cout << v[1] << endl;
(j < i) ? std::cout << "j < i" : std::cout << "not (j < i)";
std::cout << endl;
(j > i) ? std::cout << "j > i" : std::cout << "not (j > i)";
std::cout << endl;
i = j;
i <= j && j <= i ? std::cout << "i & j equal" :
std::cout << "i & j not equal"; std::cout << endl;
Algorithms operate over iterators rather than containers
• Each container declares an iterator & const iterator as a
– vector & deque declare random access iterators
– list, map, set, multimap, & multiset declare bidirectional
• Each container declares factory methods for its iterator type:
– begin(), end(), rbegin(), rend()
• Composing an algorithm with a container is done simply by invoking
the algorithm with iterators for that container
• Templates provide compile-time type safety for combinations of
containers, iterators, & algorithms
There are various ways to categorize STL algorithms, e.g.:
STL algorithms are decoupled from the particular containers they operate on & are instead parameterized by iterators
• All containers with the same iterator type can use the same algorithms
Since algorithms are written to work on iterators rather than components, the software development effort is drastically reduced – e.g., instead of writing a search routine for each kind of container, one only write one for each iterator type & apply it any container.
Since different components can be accessed by the same iterators, just a few versions of the search routine must be implemented
Function Examples In STL
Returns a forward iterator positioned at the first element in the given sequence range that matches a passed value
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector projects;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
projects.push_back (std::string (argv [i]));
std::vector::iterator j =
std::find (projects.begin (), projects.end (), std::string ("Lab8"));
if (j == projects.end ()) return 1;
assert ((*j) == std::string ("Lab8"));
return 0;
Returns the first iterator i such that i & i + 1 are both valid iterators
in [first, last), & such that *i == *(i+1) or binary pred
(*i, *(i+1)) is true (it returns last if no such iterator exists)
// Find the first element that is greater than its successor:
int A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8};
const int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(int);
const int *p = std::adjacent_find(A, A + N, std::greater());
std::cout << "Element " << p - A << " is out of order: "
<< *p << " > " << *(p + 1) << "." << std::endl;
Copies elements from a input iterator sequence range into an output
std::vector v;
std::copy (std::istream_iterator(std::cin),
std::back_inserter (v));
std::copy (v.begin (),
v.end (),
std::ostream_iterator (std::cout));
Assign a value to the elements in a sequence
int a[10];
std::fill (a, a + 10, 100);
std::fill_n (a, 10, 200);
std::vector v (10, 100);
std::fill (v.begin (), v.end (), 200);
std::fill_n (v.begin (), v.size (), 200);
Replaces all instances of a given existing value with a given new value,
within a given sequence range
std::vector v;
std::replace (v.begin (), v.end (), 1, 99);
assert (V[0] == 99 && V[3] == 99);
Removes from the range [first, last) the elements with a value
equal to value & returns an iterator to the new end of the range, which
now includes only the values not equal to value
int main () {
int myints[] = {10, 20, 30, 30, 20, 10, 10, 20};
int *pbegin = myints, *pend = myints + sizeof myints / sizeof *myints;
std::cout << "original array contains:";
std::copy (pbegin, pend, std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, " "));
int *nend = std::remove (pbegin, pend, 20);
std::cout << "\nrange contains:";
std::copy (pbegin, nend, std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\ncomplete array contains:";
std::copy (pbegin, pend, std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, " "));
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Removes from the range [first, last) the elements for which
pred applied to its value is true, & returns an iterator to the new end of
the range, which now includes only the values for which pred was false.
struct is_odd { // Could also be a C-style function.
bool operator () (int i) { return (i%2)==1; }
int main () {
int myints[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
int *pbegin = myints;
int *pend = myints + sizeof myints / sizeof *myints;
pend = std::remove_if (pbegin, pend, is_odd ());
std::cout << "range contains:";
std::copy (pbegin, pend, std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, " "));
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Scans a range & for each use a function to generate a new object put
in a second container or takes two intervals & applies a binary
operation to items to generate a new container
class to_lower {
char operator() (char c) const
return isupper (c)
? tolower(c) : c;
std::string lower (const std::string &str) {
std::string lc;
std::transform (str.begin (), str.end (),
std::back_inserter (lc),
to_lower ());
return lc;
int main () {
std::string s = "HELLO";
std::cout << s << std::endl;
s = lower (s);
std::cout << s << std::endl;
Applies the function object f to each element in the range [first,
last); f’s return value, if any, is ignored
struct print {
print (std::ostream &out): os_(out), count_(0) {}
void operator() (const T &t) { os << t << ’ ’; ++count_; }
std::ostream &os_;
int count_;
int main() {
int A[] = {1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7};
const int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(int);
// for_each() returns function object after being applied to each element
print f = std::for_each (A, A + N, print(std::cout));
std::cout << std::endl << f.count_ << " objects printed." << std::endl;
STL Function Objects
Function objects (aka functors) declare & define operator()
• STL provides helper base class templates unary function &
binary function to facilitate user-defined function objects
• STL provides a number of common-use function object class
– Arithmetic: plus, minus, times, divides, modulus, negate
– comparison: equal to, not equal to, greater, less,
greater equal, less equal
– logical: logical and, logical or, logical not
• A number of STL generic algorithms can take STL-provided or
user-defined function object arguments to extend algorithm behavior
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
std::vector projects;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
projects.push_back (std::string (argv [i]));
// Sort in descending order: note explicit ctor for greater
std::sort (projects.begin (), projects.end (),
std::greater ());
return 0;
STL Adaptors
STL adaptors implement the Adapter design pattern
– i.e., they convert one interface into another interface clients expect
• Container adaptors include stack, queue, priority queue
• Iterator adaptors include reverse iterators &
back inserter() iterators
• Function adaptors include negators & binders
• STL adaptors can be used to narrow interfaces (e.g., a stack
adaptor for vector)
STL Container Adaptors
The stack container adaptor is an ideal choice when one need to
use a “Last In, First Out” (LIFO) data structure characterized by
having elements inserted & removed from the same end
• The queue container adaptor is a “First In, First Out” (FIFO) data
structure characterized by having elements inserted into one end &
removed from the other end
• The priority queue assigns a priority to every element that it
– New elements are added to the queue using the push() function,
just as with a queue
– However, its pop() function gets element with the highest priority
// STL stack
int main() {
std::stack st;
st.push (’A’);
st.push (’B’);
st.push (’C’);
st.push (’D’);
for (; !st.empty (); st.pop ()) {
cout << "\nPopping: ";
cout << st.top();
return 0;
// STL queue
int main() {
std::queue q;
std::cout << "Pushing one two three \n";
q.push ("one");
q.push ("two");
q.push ("three");
for (; !q.empty (); q.pop ()) {
std::cout << "\nPopping ";
std::cout << q.front ();
return 0;
#include // priority_queue
struct Place {
unsigned int dist; std::string dest;
Place (const std::string dt, size_t ds) : dist(ds), dest(dt) {}
bool operator< (const Place &right) const { return dist < right.dist; }
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &os, const Place &p)
{ return os << p.dest << " " << p.dist; }
int main () {
std::priority_queue pque;
pque.push (Place ("Poway", 10));
pque.push (Place ("El Cajon", 20));
pque.push (Place ("La Jolla", 3));
for (; !pque.empty (); pque.pop ()) std::cout << pque.top() << std::endl;
return 0;
STL algorithms that copy elements are passed an iterator that
marks the position within a container to begin copying
– e.g., copy(), unique copy(), copy backwards(),
remove copy(), & replace copy()
• With each element copied, the value is assigned & the iterator is
• Each copy requires the target container is of a sufficient size to hold
the set of assigned elements
• We can use iterator adapters to expand the containers as we
perform the algorithm
– Start with an empty container, & use the inserter along with the
algorithms to make the container grow only as needed
back inserter() causes
the container’s push back()
operator to be invoked in place
of the assignment operator
• The argument passed to
back inserter() is the
container itself
// Fill vector with values read
// from stdin using std::copy()
std::vector v;
std::vector::iterator in_begin =
std::vector::iterator in_end =
std::copy (in_begin,
std::back_inserter (v));
STL has predefined functor adaptors that will change their functors
so that they can:
– Perform function composition & binding
– Allow fewer created functors
• These functors allow one to combine, transform or manipulate
functors with each other, certain values or with special functions
• STL function adapters include
– Binders (bind1st() & bind2nd()) bind one of their arguments
– Negators (not1 & not2) adapt functors by negating arguments
– Member functions (ptr fun & mem fun) allow functors to be
class members
A binder can be used to transform a binary functor into an unary one
by acting as a converter between the functor & an algorithm
• Binders always store both the binary functor & the argument
internally (the argument is passed as one of the arguments of the
functor every time it is called)
– bind1st(Op, Arg) calls ’Op’ with ’Arg’ as its first parameter
– bind2nd(Op, Arg) calls ’Op’ with ’Arg’ as its second parameter
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector v (10, 2);
std::partial_sum (v.begin (), v.end (), v.begin ());
std::random_shuffle (v.begin (), v.end ());
std::copy (v.begin (), v.end (), std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, "\n"));
std::cout << "number greater than 10 = "
<< count_if (v.begin (), v.end (),
std::bind2nd (std::greater(), 10)) << std::endl;
return 0;
A negator can be used to store the opposite result of a functor
– not1(Op) negates the result of unary ’Op’
– not2(Op) negates result of binary ’Op’
• A member function & pointer-to-function adapter can be used to
allow class member functions or C-style functions as arguments to
STL predefined algorithms
– mem fun(PtrToMember mf) converts a pointer to member to a
functor whose first arg is a pointer to the object
– ptr fun() converts a pointer to a function & turns it into a
int main() {
std::vector v1;
v1.push_back (1); v1.push_back (2); v1.push_back (3); v1.push_back (4);
std::vector v2;
std::remove_copy_if (v1.begin(), v1.end(), std::back_inserter (v2),
std::bind2nd (std::greater (), 3));
std::copy (v2.begin(), v2.end (),
std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, "\n"));
std::vector v3;
std::remove_copy_if (v1.begin(), v1.end(), std::back_inserter (v3),
std::not1 (std::bind2nd (std::greater (), 3)));
std::copy (v3.begin(), v3.end (),
std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, "\n"));
return 0;
class WrapInt {
WrapInt (): val_ (0) {}
WrapInt(int x): val_ (x) {}
void showval() {
std::cout << val_ << " ";
bool is_prime() {
for (int i = 2; i <= (val_ / 2); i++)
if ((val_ % i) == 0)
return false;
return true;
int val_;
int main () {
std::vector v;
v.push_back ("One"); v.push_back ("Two"); v.push_back ("Three"); v.push_back ("Four");
std::cout << "Sequence contains:";
std::copy (v.begin (), v.end (), std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, " "));
std::cout << std::endl << "Searching for Three.\n";
std::vector::iterator it = std::find_if (v.begin (), v.end (),
std::not1 (std::bind2nd (std::ptr_fun (strcmp), "Three")));
if (it != v.end ()) {
std::cout << "Found it! Here is the rest of the story:";
std::copy (it, v.end (), std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, "\n"));
return 0;
inline bool
operator != (const T& t, const U& u)
return !(t == u);
inline bool
operator > (const T& t, const U& u)
return u < t;
PROJECT :Course Schedule
– Read in a list of course names, along with the corresponding
day(s) of the week & time(s) each course meets
∗ Days of the week are read in as characters M,T,W,R,F,S,U
∗ Times are read as unsigned decimal integers in 24 hour HHMM
format, with no leading zeroes (e.g., 11:59pm should be read in
as 2359, & midnight should be read in as 0)
– Sort the list according to day of the week & then time of day
– Detect any times of overlap between courses & print them out
– Print out an ordered schedule for the week
• STL provides most of the code for the above
% cat infile
CS101 W 1730 2030
CS242 T 1000 1130
CS242 T 1230 1430
CS242 R 1000 1130
CS281 T 1300 1430
CS281 R 1300 1430
CS282 M 1300 1430
CS282 W 1300 1430
CS201 T 1600 1730
CS201 R 1600 1730
% cat infile | xargs main
CS242 T 1230 1430
CS281 T 1300 1430
CS282 M 1300 1430
CS242 T 1000 1130
CS242 T 1230 1430
CS281 T 1300 1430
CS201 T 1600 1730
CS282 W 1300 1430
CS101 W 1730 2030
CS242 R 1000 1130
CS281 R 1300 1430
CS201 R 1600 1730
struct Meeting {
enum Day_Of_Week
{MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU};
static Day_Of_Week
day_of_week (char c);
Meeting (const std::string &title,
Day_Of_Week day,
size_t start_time,
size_t finish_time);
Meeting (const Meeting & m);
Meeting (char **argv);
Meeting &operator =
(const Meeting &m);
bool operator <
(const Meeting &m) const;
bool operator ==
(const Meeting &m) const;
std::string title_;
// Title of the meeting
Day_Of_Week day_;
// Week day of meeting
size_t start_time_;
// Meeting start time in HHMM format
size_t finish_time_;
// Meeting finish time in HHMM format
// Helper operator for output
std::ostream &
operator << (std::ostream &os,
const Meeting & m);Meeting::Day_Of_Week
Meeting::day_of_week (char c)
switch (c) {
case ’M’: return Meeting::MO;
case ’T’: return Meeting::TU;
case ’W’: return Meeting::WE;
case ’R’: return Meeting::TH;
case ’F’: return Meeting::FR;
case ’S’: return Meeting::SA;
case ’U’: return Meeting::SU;
assert (!"not a week day");
return Meeting::MO;
(const std::string &title,
Day_Of_Week day,
size_t start, size_t finish)
: title_ (title), day_ (day),
start_time_ (start),
finish_time_ (finish) {}
Meeting::Meeting (const Meeting &m)
: title_ (m.title_), day_ (m.day_),
start_time_ (m.start_time_),
finish_time_ (m.finish_time_) {}
Meeting::Meeting (char **argv)
: title_ (argv[0]),
day_ (Meeting::day_of_week (*argv[1])),
start_time_ (atoi (argv[2])),
finish_time_ (atoi (argv[3])) {}Meeting &Meeting::operator =
(const Meeting &m) {
title_ = m.title_;
day_ = m.day_;
start_time_ = m.start_time_;
finish_time_ = m.finish_time_;
return *this;
bool Meeting::operator ==
(const Meeting &m) const {
(day_ == m.day_ &&
((start_time_ <= m.start_time_ &&
m.start_time_ <= finish_time_) ||
(m.start_time_ <= start_time_ &&
start_time_ <= m.finish_time_)))
? true : false;
bool Meeting::operator <
(const Meeting &m) const
day_ < m.day_
(day_ == m.day_
start_time_ < m.start_time_)
(day_ == m.day_
start_time_ == m.start_time_
finish_time_ < m.finish_time_)
? true : false;
}std::ostream &operator <<
(std::ostream &os,
const Meeting &m) {
const char *d = " ";
switch (m.day_) {
case Meeting::MO: d="M "; break;
case Meeting::TU: d="T "; break;
case Meeting::WE: d="W "; break;
case Meeting::TH: d="R "; break;
case Meeting::FR: d="F "; break;
case Meeting::SA: d="S "; break;
case Meeting::SU: d="U "; break;
os << m.title_ << " " << d
<< m.start_time_ << " "
<< m.finish_time_;
struct print_conflicts {
print_conflicts (std::ostream &os)
: os_ (os) {}
Meeting operator () (const Meeting &lhs,
const Meeting &rhs) {
if (lhs == rhs)
os_ << "CONFLICT:" << std::endl
<< " " << lhs << std::endl
<< " " << rhs << std::endl
<< std::endl;
return lhs;
std::ostream &os_;
class argv_iterator : public std::iterator {
argv_iterator (void) {}
argv_iterator (int argc, char **argv, int increment)
: argc_ (argc), argv_ (argv), base_argv_ (argv), increment_ (increment) {}
argv_iterator begin () { return *this; }
argv_iterator end () { return *this; }
bool operator != (const argv_iterator &) { return argv_ != (base_argv_ + argc_); }
T operator *() { return T (argv_); }
void operator++ () { argv_ += increment_; }
int argc_;
char **argv_, **base_argv_;
int increment_;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector schedule;
std::copy (argv_iterator (argc - 1, argv + 1, 4),
argv_iterator (),
std::back_inserter (schedule));
std::sort (schedule.begin (), schedule.end (), std::less ());
// Find & print out any conflicts.
std::transform (sched.begin (), sched.end () - 1,
sched.begin () + 1,
sched.begin (),
print_conflicts (std::cout));
// Print out schedule, using STL output stream iterator adapter.
std::copy (sched.begin (), sched.end (),
std::ostream_iterator (os, "\n"));
return 0;