9.1 Introduction
In the real world, many problems are represented in terms of objects and connections between them. For example, in an airline route map, we might be interested in questions like: “What’s the fastest way to go from Hyderabad to New York?” or “What is the cheapest way to go from Hyderabad to New York?” To answer these questions we need information about connections (airline routes) between objects (towns). Graphs are data structures used for solving these kinds of problems.
9.2 Glossary Graph:
A graph is a pair (V, E), where V is a set of nodes, called vertices, and £ is a collection of pairs of vertices, called edges.
• Vertices and edges are positions and store elements
• Definitions that we use:
○ Directed edge:
▪ ordered pair of vertices (u, v)
▪ first vertex u is the origin
▪ second vertex v is the destination
▪ Example: one-way road traffic

○ Undirected edge:
▪ unordered pair of vertices (u, v)
▪ Example: railway lines

○ Directed graph:
▪ all the edges are directed
▪ Example: route network

○ Undirected graph:
▪ all the edges are undirected
▪ Example: flight network

• When an edge connects two vertices, the vertices are said to be adjacent to each other and the edge is incident on both vertices.
• A graph with no cycles is called a tree. A tree is an acyclic connected graph.

• A self loop is an edge that connects a vertex to itself.

• Two edges are parallel if they connect the same pair of vertices.

• The Degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident on it.
• A subgraph is a subset of a graph’s edges (with associated vertices) that form a graph.
• A path in a graph is a sequence of adjacent vertices. Simple path is a path with no repeated vertices. In the graph below, the dotted lines represent a path from G to E.

• A cycle is a path where the first and last vertices are the same. A simple cycle is a cycle with no repeated vertices or edges (except the first and last vertices).

• We say that one vertex is connected to another if there is a path that contains both of them.
• A graph is connected if there is a path from every vertex to every other vertex.
• If a graph is not connected then it consists of a set of connected componen

• A directed acyclic graph [DAG] is a directed graph with no cycles.

• A forest is a disjoint set of trees.
• A spanning tree of a connected graph is a subgraph that contains all of that graph’s vertices and is a single tree. A spanning forest of a graph is the union of spanning trees of its connected components.
• A bipartite graph is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two sets such that all edges connect a vertex in one set with a vertex in the other set.

• In weighted graphs integers (weights) are assigned to each edge to represent (distances or costs).

• Graphs with all edges present are called complete graphs.

• Graphs with relatively few edges (generally if it edges < |V| log |V|) are called sparse graphs.
• Graphs with relatively few of the possible edges missing are called dense.
• Directed weighted graphs are sometimes called network.
• We will denote the number of vertices in a given graph by |V|, and the number of edges by |E|. Note that E can range anywhere from 0 to |V|(|V| – l)/2 (in undirected graph). This is because each node can connect to every other node. 9.3 Applications of Graphs
• Representing relationships between components in electronic circuits
• Transportation networks: Highway network, Flight network
• Computer networks: Local area network, Internet, Web
• Databases: For representing ER (Entity Relationship) diagrams in databases, for representing dependency of tables in databases
9.4 Graph Representation
As in other ADTs, to manipulate graphs we need to represent them in some useful form. Basically, there are three ways of doing this:
• Adjacency Matrix
• Adjacency List
• Adjacency Set
Adjacency Matrix
Graph Declaration for Adjacency Matrix
First, let us look at the components of the graph data structure. To represent graphs, we need the number of vertices, the number of edges and also their interconnections. So, the graph can be declared as:
//This code creates a graph with adj matrix representation struct Graph *adjMatrixOfGraph() {
int i, u, v;
struct Graph *G= (struct Graph *) malloc(sizeof(struct Graph));
printf("Memory Error");
scanf("Number of Vertices: %d, Number of Edges: %d", &G-V, &G-E);
G-Adj malloc(sizeof(G-V *G-V));
for(u=0; u
In this method, we use a matrix with size V × V. The values of matrix are boolean. Let us assume the matrix is Adj. The value Adj[u, v] is set to 1 if there is an edge from vertex u to vertex v and 0 otherwise.
In the matrix, each edge is represented by two bits for undirected graphs. That means, an edge from u to v is represented by 1 value in both Adj[u,v ] and Adj[u,v]. To save time, we can process only half of this symmetric matrix. Also, we can assume that there is an “edge” from each vertex to itself. So, Adj[u, u] is set to 1 for all vertices.
If the graph is a directed graph then we need to mark only one entry in the adjacency matrix. As an example, consider the directed graph below.

The adjacency matrix for this graph can be given as:

Now, let us concentrate on the implementation. To read a graph, one way is to first read the vertex names and then read pairs of vertex names (edges). The code below reads an undirected graph.
struct Graph{
int V;
int E;
int **Adj; //Since we need two dimensional matrix
The adjacency matrix representation is good if the graphs are dense. The matrix requires O(V2 ) bits of storage and O(V2 ) time for initialization. If the number of edges is proportional to V2 , then there is no problem because V2 steps are required to read the edges. If the graph is sparse, the initialization of the matrix dominates the running time of the algorithm as it takes takes O(V2 ).
Adjacency List
Graph Declaration for Adjacency List
In this representation all the vertices connected to a vertex v are listed on an adjacency list for that vertex v. This can be easily implemented with linked lists. That means, for each vertex v we use a linked list and list nodes represents the connections between v and other vertices to which v has an edge.
The total number of linked lists is equal to the number of vertices in the graph. The graph ADT can be declared as:
struct Graph{ int V;
int E;
int *Adj; //head pointers to linked list
Considering the same example as that of the adjacency matrix, the adjacency list representation can be given as

Since vertex A has an edge for B and D, we have added them in the adjacency list for A. The same is the case with other vertices as well.
void BFS(struct Graph "G, int u) {
int v;
struct Queue QCreateQueue();
EnQueue(Q, u);
while (!IsEmptyQueue(Q)) {
u = DeQueue(Q);
Process u; //For example, print
/* For example, if the adjacency matrix is used for representing the graph, then the condition be used for finding unvisited adjacent vertex of u is: if(!Visited[v] && G-Adj[u][v]) */
for each unvisited adjacent node v of u{ EnQueue(Q, v);
void BFSTraversal(struct Graph "G) {
for (int i=0; i< G-V;i++)
//This loop is required if the graph has more than one component
for (int i=0; i< G-V;i++)
if(!Visited[i]) BFS/G. i):
For this representation, the order of edges in the input is important. This is because they determine the order of the vertices on the adjacency lists. The same graph can be represented in many different ways in an adjacency list. The order in which edges appear on the adjacency list affects the order in which edges are processed by algorithms.
Disadvantages of Adjacency Lists
Disadvantages of Adjacency Lists Using adjacency list representation we cannot perform some operations efficiently. As an example, consider the case of deleting a node. . In adjacency list representation, it is not enugh if we simply delete a node from the list representation, if we delete a node from the adjacency list then that is enough. For each node on the adjacency list of that node specifies another vertex. We need to search other nodes linked list also for deleting it. This problem can be solved by linking the two list nodes that correspond to a particular edge and making the adjacency lists doubly linked. But all these extra links are risky to process.
Adjacency Set
It is very much similar to adjacency list but instead of using Linked lists, Disjoint Sets [UnionFind] are used. For more details refer to the Disjoint Sets ADT chapter.
Comparison of Graph Representations
Directed and undirected graphs are represented with the same structures. For directed graphs, everything is the same, except that each edge is represented just once. An edge from x to y is represented by a 1 value in Agj[x][y] in the adjacency matrix, or by adding y on x’s adjacency list. For weighted graphs, everything is the same, except fill the adjacency matrix with weights instead of boolean values.

9.5 Graph Traversals
To solve problems on graphs, we need a mechanism for traversing the graphs. Graph traversal algorithms are also called graph search algorithms. Like trees traversal algorithms (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder and Level-Order traversals), graph search algorithms can be thought of as starting at some source vertex in a graph and “searching” the graph by going through the edges and marking the vertices. Now, we will discuss two such algorithms for traversing the graphs.
• Depth First Search [DFS]
• Breadth First Search [BFS]
Depth First Search [DFS] DFS
algorithm works in a manner similar to preorder traversal of the trees. Like preorder traversal, internally this algorithm also uses stack.
Let us consider the following example. Suppose a person is trapped inside a maze. To come out from that maze, the person visits each path and each intersection (in the worst case). Let us say the person uses two colors of paint to mark the intersections already passed. When discovering a new intersection, it is marked grey, and he continues to go deeper.
After reaching a “dead end” the person knows that there is no more unexplored path from the grey intersection, which now is completed, and he marks it with black. This “dead end” is either an intersection which has already been marked grey or black, or simply a path that does not lead to an intersection.
The intersections of the maze are the vertices and the paths between the intersections are the edges of the graph. The process of returning from the “dead end” is called backtracking. We are trying to go away from the starting vertex into the graph as deep as possible, until we have to backtrack to the preceding grey vertex. In DFS algorithm, we encounter the following types of edges.

For most algorithms boolean classification, unvisited/visited is enough (for three color implementation refer to problems section). That means, for some problems we need to use three colors, but for our discussion two colors are enough.

Initially all vertices are marked unvisited (false). The DFS algorithm starts at a vertex u in the graph. By starting at vertex u it considers the edges from u to other vertices. If the edge leads to an already visited vertex, then backtrack to current vertex u. If an edge leads to an unvisited vertex, then go to that vertex and start processing from that vertex. That means the new vertex becomes the current vertex. Follow this process until we reach the dead-end. At this point start backtracking.
The process terminates when backtracking leads back to the start vertex. The algorithm based on this mechanism is given below: assume Visited[] is a global array.
//Nodes of the Linked List struct ListNode
int vertexNumber;
struct ListNode "next;
//This code creates a graph with adj list representation
struct Graph *adjListOfGraph() {
int i, x, y,
struct ListNode *temp;
struct Graph "G= (struct Graph ") malloc(sizeof(struct Graph));
printf("Memory Error");
scanf("Number of Vertices: %d, Number of Edges: %d", &G-V, &G-E);
G-Adj malloc(G-V * sizeof(struct ListNode));
for(i=0; i < G-V; i++) {
G-Adj[i] (struct ListNode *) malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
G-Adj[i]-vertexNumber = i;
G-Adj[i]-next-G- Adj[i];
for(i=0; i< E; i++) {
//Read an edge
scanf("Reading Edge: %d %d", &x, &y);
temp = (struct ListNode *)malloc(struct ListNode);
temp->vertexNumber = y;
temp->next = G-Adj[x];
G-Adj[x]-next = temp;
temp = (struct ListNode *) malloc(struct ListNode);
temp-vertexNumber = y;
temp->next = G→ Adjly];
G-Adjly next temp;
retutn G;
As an example, consider the following graph. We can see that sometimes an edge leads to an already discovered vertex. These edges are called back edges, and the other edges are called tree edges because deleting the back edges from the graph generates a tree.
The final generated tree is called the DFS tree and the order in which the vertices are processed is called DFS numbers of the vertices. In the graph below, the gray color indicates that the vertex is visited (there is no other significance). We need to see when the Visited table is updated.

From the above diagrams, it can be seen that the DFS traversal creates a tree (without back edges) and we call such tree a DFS tree. The above algorithm works even if the given graph has connected components.
The time complexity of DFS is O(V + E), if we use adjacency lists for representing the graphs. This is because we are starting at a vertex and processing the adjacent nodes only if they are not visited. Similarly, if an adjacency matrix is used for a graph representation, then all edges adjacent to a vertex can’t be found efficiently, and this gives O(V 2 ) complexity.
Applications of DFS • Topological sorting
• Finding connected components
• Finding articulation points (cut vertices) of the graph
• Finding strongly connected components
• Solving puzzles such as mazes For algorithms refer to Problems Section.
Breadth First Search [BFS]
The BFS algorithm works similar to level – order traversal of the trees. Like level – order traversal, BFS also uses queues. In fact, level – order traversal got inspired from BFS. BFS works level by level. Initially, BFS starts at a given vertex, which is at level 0. In the first stage it visits all vertices at level 1 (that means, vertices whose distance is 1 from the start vertex of the graph). In the second stage, it visits all vertices at the second level. These new vertices are the ones which are adjacent to level 1 vertices.
BFS continues this process until all the levels of the graph are completed. Generally queue data structure is used for storing the vertices of a level.
As similar to DFS, assume that initially all vertices are marked unvisited (false). Vertices that have been processed and removed from the queue are marked visited (true). We use a queue to represent the visited set as it will keep the vertices in the order of when they were first visited. The implementation for the above discussion can be given as:
int Visited[G-V];
void DFS(struct Graph *G, int u) { Visited[u] = 1;
for(int v = 0; v
As an example, let us consider the same graph as that of the DFS example. The BFS traversal can be shown as:

Time complexity of BFS is O(V + E), if we use adjacency lists for representing the graphs, and O(V 2 ) for adjacency matrix representation.
Applications of BFS
• Finding all connected components in a graph
• Finding all nodes within one connected component
• Finding the shortest path between two nodes
• Testing a graph for bipartiteness
Comparing DFS and BFS
Comparing BFS and DFS, the big advantage of DFS is that it has much lower memory requirements than BFS because it’s not required to store all of the child pointers at each level. Depending on the data and what we are looking for, either DFS or BFS can be advantageous. For example, in a family tree if we are looking for someone who’s still alive and if we assume that person would be at the bottom of the tree, then DFS is a better choice. BFS would take a very long time to reach that last level.
The DFS algorithm finds the goal faster. Now, if we were looking for a family member who died a very long time ago, then that person would be closer to the top of the tree. In this case, BFS finds faster than DFS. So, the advantages of either vary depending on the data and what we are looking for.
DFS is related to preorder traversal of a tree. Like preorder traversal, DFS visits each node before its children. The BFS algorithm works similar to level – order traversal of the trees.
If someone asks whether DFS is better or BFS is better, the answer depends on the type of the problem that we are trying to solve. BFS visits each level one at a time, and if we know the solution we are searching for is at a low depth, then BFS is good. DFS is a better choice if the solution is at maximum depth. The below table shows the differences between DFS and BFS in terms of their applications.

9.6 Topological Sort
Topological sort is an ordering of vertices in a directed acyclic graph [DAG] in which each node comes before all nodes to which it has outgoing edges. As an example, consider the course prerequisite structure at universities. A directed edge (v,w) indicates that course v must be completed before course w. Topological ordering for this example is the sequence which does not violate the prerequisite requirement. Every DAG may have one or more topological orderings.
Topological sort is not possible if the graph has a cycle, since for two vertices v and w on the cycle, v precedes w and w precedes v. Topological sort has an interesting property. All pairs of consecutive vertices in the sorted order are connected by edges; then these edges form a directed Hamiltonian path [refer to Problems Section] in the DAG. If a Hamiltonian path exists, the topological sort order is unique. If a topological sort does not form a Hamiltonian path, DAG can have two or more topological orderings. In the graph below: 7, 5, 3, 11, 8, 2, 9, 10 and 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 2, 9, 10 are both topological orderings.

Initially, indegree is computed for all vertices, starting with the vertices which are having indegree 0. That means consider the vertices which do not have any prerequisite. To keep track of vertices with indegree zero we can use a queue.
All vertices of indegree 0 are placed on queue. While the queue is not empty, a vertex v is removed, and all edges adjacent to v have their indegrees decremented. A vertex is put on the queue as soon as its indegree falls to 0. The topological ordering is the order in which the vertices DeQueue.
The time complexity of this algorithm is O(|E| + |V|) if adjacency lists are used.
void Dijkstra(struct Graph *G, int s) {
struct PriorityQueue *PQ = CreatePriorityQueue();
int v, W; EnQueue(PQ, s);
for (int i=0; i< G-V;i++) Distance[i]=-1;
Distance[s] = 0;
while ((IsEmptyQueue(PQ)) {
v = DeleteMin(PQ);
for all adjacent vertices w of v{
Compute new distance d= Distance[v] + weight[v][w]; if(Distance[w] == -1) {
Distance[w] = new distance d;
Insert w in the priority queue with priority d Path[w] =v;
if(Distance[w]> new distance d) {
Distance[w] = new distance d;
Update priority of vertex w to be d;
Total running time of topological sort is O(V + E).
Note: The Topological sorting problem can be solved with DFS. Refer to the Problems Section for the algorithm.
Applications of Topological Sorting
• Representing course prerequisites
• Detecting deadlocks
• Pipeline of computing jobs
• Checking for symbolic link loop
• Evaluating formulae in spreadsheet
9.7 Shortest Path Algorithms
Let us consider the other important problem of a graph. Given a graph G = (V, E) and a distinguished vertex s, we need to find the shortest path from s to every other vertex in G. There are variations in the shortest path algorithms which depend on the type of the input graph and are given below.
Variations of Shortest Path Algorithms

Applications of Shortest Path Algorithms
• Finding fastest way to go from one place to another
• Finding cheapest way to fly/send data from one city to another
Shortest Path in Unweighted Graph
Let s be the input vertex from which we want to find the shortest path to all other vertices. Unweighted graph is a special case of the weighted shortest-path problem, with all edges a weight of 1. The algorithm is similar to BFS and we need to use the following data structures:
• A distance table with three columns (each row corresponds to a vertex):
○ Distance from source vertex.
○ Path – contains the name of the vertex through which we get the shortest distance.
• A queue is used to implement breadth-first search. It contains vertices whose distance from the source node has been computed and their adjacent vertices are to be examined.
As an example, consider the following graph and its adjacency list representation.

The adjacency list for this graph is:

Let s = C. The distance from C to C is 0. Initially, distances to all other nodes are not computed, and we initialize the second column in the distance table for all vertices (except C) with -1 as below.

void UnweightedShortestPath(struct Graph *G, int s) {
struct Queue Q = CreateQueue();
int v, W; EnQueue(Q, s);
for (int i=0; i< G-V;i++) Distance[i]=-1;
Distance[s]= 0;
while (!IsEmptyQueue(Q)) { v = DeQueue(Q);
for each w adjacent to v
if(Distance[w] == -1) {
Each vertex examined at most once
Distance[w] Distance[v] + 1;
Path[w] =v;
EnQueue(Q, w); + Each vertex EnQueue'd at most once
Running time: O(|E| + |V|), if adjacency lists are used. In for loop, we are checking the outgoing edges for a given vertex and the sum of all examined edges in the while loop is equal to the number of edges which gives O(|E|).
If we use matrix representation the complexity is O(|V| 2 ), because we need to read an entire row in the matrix of length |V| in order to find the adjacent vertices for a given vertex.
Shortest path in Weighted Graph [Dijkstra’s]
A famous solution for the shortest path problem was developed by Dijkstra. Dijkstra’s algorithm is a generalization of the BFS algorithm. The regular BFS algorithm cannot solve the shortest path problem as it cannot guarantee that the vertex at the front of the queue is the vertex closest to source s.
Before going to code let us understand how the algorithm works. As in unweighted shortest path algorithm, here too we use the distance table. The algorithm works by keeping the shortest distance of vertex v from the source in the Distance table. The value Distance[v] holds the distance from s to v. The shortest distance of the source to itself is zero. The Distance table for all other vertices is set to –1 to indicate that those vertices are not already processed.

void TopologicalSort(struct Graph *G){
struct Queue *Q;
int counter;
int v, w;
Q = CreateQueue(); counter = 0;
for (v = 0; v< G-V; v++)
if(indegree[v] == 0) EnQueue(Q, v); while(!IsEmptyQueue(Q)){
v = DeQueue(Q);
topologicalOrder[v] = ++counter; for each w adjacent to v if(--indegree[w] == 0) EnQueue (Q, w);
if( counter != G-V)
printf("Graph has cycle");
Running time: O(|E| + |V|), if adjacency lists are used. In for loop, we are checking the outgoing edges for a given vertex and the sum of all examined edges in the while loop is equal to the number of edges which gives O(|E|).
If we use matrix representation the complexity is O(|V| 2 ), because we need to read an entire row in the matrix of length |V| in order to find the adjacent vertices for a given vertex
Shortest path in Weighted Graph [Dijkstra’s]
A famous solution for the shortest path problem was developed by Dijkstra. Dijkstra’s algorithm is a generalization of the BFS algorithm. The regular BFS algorithm cannot solve the shortest path problem as it cannot guarantee that the vertex at the front of the queue is the vertex closest to source s.
Before going to code let us understand how the algorithm works. As in unweighted shortest path algorithm, here too we use the distance table. The algorithm works by keeping the shortest distance of vertex v from the source in the Distance table. The value Distance[v] holds the distance from s to v. The shortest distance of the source to itself is zero. The Distance table for all other vertices is set to –1 to indicate that those vertices are not already processed.

After the algorithm finishes, the Distance table will have the shortest distance from source s to each other vertex v. To simplify the understanding of Dijkstra’s algorithm, let us assume that the given vertices are maintained in two sets. Initially the first set contains only the source element and the second set contains all the remaining elements. After the k th iteration, the first set contains k vertices which are closest to the source. These k vertices are the ones for which we have already computed the shortest distances from source.
Notes on Dijkstra’s Algorithm
• It uses greedy method: Always pick the next closest vertex to the source.
• It uses priority queue to store unvisited vertices by distance from s.
• It does not work with negative weights.
Difference between Unweighted Shortest Path and Dijkstra’s Algorithm
1)To represent weights in the adjacency list, each vertex contains the weights of the edges (in addition to their identifier).
2) Instead of ordinary queue we use priority queue [distances are the priorities] and the vertex with the smallest distance is selected for processing.
3) The distance to a vertex is calculated by the sum of the weights of the edges on the path from the source to that vertex.
4) We update the distances in case the newly computed distance is smaller than the old distance which we have already computed.
void Bellman FordAlgorithm(struct Graph *G, int s) {
struct Queue Q = CreateQueue();
int v, W; EnQueue(Q, s);
Distance[s] = 0;
while ((!IsEmptyQueue(Q)) { v = DeQueue(Q);
// assume the Distance table is filled with INT_MAX
for all adjacent vertices w of v{
Compute new distance d= Distance[v] + weight[v][w];
if(old distance to w > new distance d) { Distance[v] (distance to v) + weight[v][w]); Path[w] =v;
if(w is there in queue) EnQueue(Q, w)
The above algorithm can be better understood through an example, which will explain each step that is taken and how Distance is calculated. The weighted graph below has 5 vertices from A – E.
The value between the two vertices is known as the edge cost between two vertices. For example, the edge cost between A and C is 1. Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used to find the shortest path from source A to the remaining vertices in the graph.

After the first step, from vertex A, we can reach B and C. So, in the Distance table we update the reachability of B and C with their costs and the same is shown below.

Now, let us select the minimum distance among all. The minimum distance vertex is C. That means, we have to reach other vertices from these two vertices (A and C). For example, B can be reached from A and also from C. In this case we have to select the one which gives the lowest cost. Since reaching B through C is giving the minimum cost (1 + 2), we update the Distance table for vertex B with cost 3 and the vertex from which we got this cost as C.

The only vertex remaining is E. To reach E, we have to see all the paths through which we can reach E and select the one which gives the minimum cost. We can see that if we use B as the intermediate vertex through C we get the minimum cost.

In Dijkstra’s algorithm, the efficiency depends on the number of DeleteMins (V DeleteMins) and updates for priority queues (E updates) that are used. If a standard binary heap is used then the complexity is O(ElogV).
The term ElogV comes from E updates (each update takes logV) for the standard heap. If the set used is an array then the complexity is O(E + V 2 ).
Disadvantages of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
• As discussed above, the major disadvantage of the algorithm is that it does a blind search, thereby wasting time and necessary resources.
• Another disadvantage is that it cannot handle negative edges. This leads to acyclic graphs and most often cannot obtain the right shortest path.
Relatives of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
• The Bellman- Ford algorithm computes single-source shortest paths in a weighted digraph. It uses the same concept as that of Dijkstra’s algorithm but can handle negative edges as well. It has more running time than Dijkstra’s algorithm.
• Prim’s algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph. It implies that a subset of edges that form a tree where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is minimized.
Bellman-Ford Algorithm
If the graph has negative edge costs, then Dijkstra’s algorithm does not work. The problem is that once a vertex u is declared known, it is possible that from some other, unknown vertex v there is a path back to u that is very negative. In such a case, taking a path from s to v back to u is better than going from s to u without using v. A combination of Dijkstra’s algorithm and unweighted algorithms will solve the problem. Initialize the queue with s. Then, at each stage, we DeQueue a vertex v. We find all vertices W adjacent to v such that,
distance to v + weight (v,w) < old distance to w
We update w old distance and path, and place w on a queue if it is not already there. A bit can be set for each vertex to indicate presence in the queue. We repeat the process until the queue is empty.
void Dijkstra(struct Graph *G, int s) {
struct PriorityQueue *PQ = CreatePriorityQueue();
int v, w; EnQueue(PQ, s);
for (int i=0; i< G-V;i++) Distance[i]=-1; Distance[s] = 0;
while ((!IsEmptyQueue(PQ)) { v = DeleteMin(PQ);
for all adjacent vertices w of v{
Compute new distance d= Distance[v] + weight[v][w]; if(Distance[w] == -1) {
Distance[w] = new distance d;
Insert w in the priority queue with priority d Path[w] =v;
if(Distance[w]> new distance d) {
Distance[w] = new distance d;
Update priority of vertex w to be d;
Path[w] =v;
This algorithm works if there are no negative-cost cycles. Each vertex can DeQueue at most | V| times, so the running time is O(|E|. |V|) if adjacency lists are used.
Overview of Shortest Path Algorithms

9.8 Minimal Spanning Tree
The Spanning tree of a graph is a subgraph that contains all the vertices and is also a tree. A graph may have many spanning trees. As an example, consider a graph with 4 vertices as shown below. Let us assume that the corners of the graph are ver

The algorithm we will discuss now is minimum spanning tree in an undirected graph. We assume that the given graphs are weighted graphs. If the graphs are unweighted graphs then we can still use the weighted graph algorithms by treating all weights as equal. A minimum spanning tree of an undirected graph G is a tree formed from graph edges that connect all the vertices of G with minimum total cost (weights). A minimum spanning tree exists only if the graph is connected. There are two famous algorithms for this problem:
• Prim’s Algorithm
• Kruskal’s Algorithm
Prim’s Algorithm
Prim’s algorithm is almost the same as Dijkstra’s algorithm. As in Dijkstra’s algorithm, in Prim’s algorithm we keep the values distance and paths in the distance table. The only exception is that since the definition of distance is different, the updating statement also changes a little. The update statement is simpler than before.
void Prims(struct Graph "G, int s) {
struct PriorityQueue *PQ = Create PriorityQueue();
int v, w; EnQueue(PQ, s);
Distance[s] = 0;
while ((IsEmptyQueue(PQ)) {
v = Delete Min(PQ);
// assume the Distance table is filled with -1
for all adjacent vertices w of v{
Compute new distance d= Distance[v] + weight[v][w];
if(Distance[w] ==-1){
Distance[w] = weight[v][w];
Insert w in the priority queue with priority d Path[w] =v;
if(Distance[w]> new distance d) {
Distance[w] = weight[v][w];
Update priority of vertex w to be d;
Path[w] =v;
The entire implementation of this algorithm is identical to that of Dijkstra’s algorithm. The running time is O(|V| 2 ) without heaps [good for dense graphs], and O (ElogV) using binary heaps [good for sparse graphs].
Kruskal’s Algorithm
The algorithm starts with V different trees (V is the vertices in the graph). While constructing the minimum spanning tree, every time Kruskal’s alorithm selects an edge that has minimum weight and then adds that edge if it doesn’t create a cycle. So, initially, there are | V | single-node trees in the forest. Adding an edge merges two trees into one. When the algorithm is completed, there will be only one tree, and that is the minimum spanning tree. There are two ways of implementing Kruskal’s algorithm:
• By using Disjoint Sets: Using UNION and FIND operations
• By using Priority Queues: Maintains weights in priority queue
The appropriate data structure is the UNION/FIND algorithm [for implementing forests]. Two vertices belong to the same set if and only if they are connected in the current spanning forest. Each vertex is initially in its own set. If u and v are in the same set, the edge is rejected because it forms a cycle. Otherwise, the edge is accepted, and a UNION is performed on the two sets containing u and v. As an example, consider the following graph (the edges show the weights).

Now let us perform Kruskal’s algorithm on this graph. We always select the edge which has minimum weight.

From the above graph, the edges which have minimum weight (cost) are: AD and BE. From these two we can select one of them and let us assume that we select AD (dotted line).

DF is the next edge that has the lowest cost (6

BE now has the lowest cost and we select it (dotted lines indicate selected edges).

Next, AC and CE have the low cost of 7 and we select AC

Then we select CE as its cost is 7 and it does not form a cycle.

The next low cost edges are CB and EF. But if we select CB, then it forms a cycle. So we discard it. This is also the case with EF. So we should not select those two. And the next low cost is 9 (BD and EG). Selecting BD forms a cycle so we discard it. Adding EG will not form a cycle and therefore with this edge we complete all vertices of the graph.
struct Graph{ int V;
int E;
//Number of vertices //Number of edges
int ** adjMatrix; //Two dimensional array for storing the connections
Note: For implementation of UNION and FIND operations, refer to the Disjoint Sets ADT chapter.
The worst-case running time of this algorithm is O(ElogE), which is dominated by the heap operations. That means, since we are constructing the heap with E edges, we need O(ElogE) time to do that.
9.9 Graph Algorithms: Problems & Solutions
Problem-1 In an undirected simple graph with n vertices, what is the maximum number of edges? Self-loops are not allowed.
Solution: Since every node can connect to all other nodes, the first node can connect to n – 1 nodes. The second node can connect to n – 2 nodes [since one edge is already there from the first node]. The total number of edges is: 1 + 2 + 3 + ··· + n – = n(n-1)/2edges.
Problem-2 How many different adjacency matrices does a graph with n vertices and E edges have?
Solution: It’s equal to the number of permutations of n elements, i.e., n!.
Problem-3 How many different adjacency lists does a graph with n vertices have?
Solution: It’s equal to the number of permutations of edges, i.e., E!.
Problem-4 Which undirected graph representation is most appropriate for determining whether or not a vertex is isolated (is not connected to any other vertex)?
Solution: Adjacency List. If we use the adjacency matrix, then we need to check the complete row to determine whether that vertex has edges or not. By using the adjacency list, it is very easy to check, and it can be done just by checking whether that vertex has NULL for next pointer or not [NULLindicates that the vertex is not connected to any other vertex].
Problem-5 For checking whether there is a path from source s to target t, which one is best between disjoint sets and DFS?
Solution: The table below shows the comparison between disjoint sets and DFS. The entries in the table represent the case for any pair of nodes (for s and t).

Problem-6 What is the maximum number of edges a directed graph with n vertices can have and still not contain a directed cycle?
Solution: The number is V (V – 1)/2. Any directed graph can have at most n 2 edges. However, since the graph has no cycles it cannot contain a self loop, and for any pair x,y of vertices, at most one edge from (x,y) and (y,x) can be included. Therefore the number of edges can be at most (V2 – V)/2 as desired. It is possible to achieve V(V – 1)/2 edges. Label n nodes 1,2… n and add an edge (x, y) if and only if x < y. This graph has the appropriate number of edges and cannot contain a cycle (any path visits an increasing sequence of nodes).
Problem-7 How many simple directed graphs with no parallel edges and self-loops are possible in terms of V?
Solution: (V) × (V – 1). Since, each vertex can connect to V – 1 vertices without self-loops.
Problem-8 What are the differences between DFS and BFS?

Problem-9 Earlier in this chapter, we discussed minimum spanning tree algorithms. Now, give an algorithm for finding the maximum-weight spanning tree in a graph.

Using the given graph, construct a new graph with the same nodes and edges. But instead of using the same weights, take the negative of their weights. That means, weight of an edge = negative of weight of the corresponding edge in the given graph. Now, we can use existing minimum spanning tree algorithms on this new graph. As a result, we will get the maximum-weight spanning tree in the original one.
Problem-10 Give an algorithm for checking whether a given graph G has simple path from source s to destination d. Assume the graph G is represented using the adjacent matrix.
Solution: Let us assume that the structure for the graph is:
void HasSimplePath(struct Graph *G, int s, int d) {
int t; Viisited[s] = 1;
if(s == d)
return 1;
for(t = 0; t
For each vertex call DFS and check whether the current vertex is the same as the destination vertex or not. If they are the same, then return 1. Otherwise, call the DFS on its unvisited neighbors. One important thing to note here is that, we are calling the DFS algorithm on vertices which are not yet visited.
void Kruskal(struct Graph "G) {
S=p; // At the end S will contains the edges of minimum spanning trees
for (int v = 0; v< G→V; v++)
MakeSet (v);
Sort edges of E by increasing weights w; for each edge (u, v) in E{//from sorted list if(FIND (u) = FIND (v)) { S-SU (u, v): UNION (u, v);
return S;
Time Complexity: O(E). In the above algorithm, for each node, since we are not calling DFS on all of its neighbors (discarding through if condition), Space Complexity: O(V).
Problem-11 Count simple paths for a given graph G has simple path from source s to destination d? Assume the graph is represented using the adjacent matrix.
Solution: Similar to the discussion in Problem-10, start at one node and call DFS on that node. As a result of this call, it visits all the nodes that it can reach in the given graph. That means it visits all the nodes of the connected component of that node. If there are any nodes that have not been visited, then again start at one of those nodes and call DFS.
Before the first DFS in each connected component, increment the connected components count. Continue this process until all of the graph nodes are visited. As a result, at the end we will get the total number of connected components. The implementation based on this logic is given below:
int dfsnum[256], num= 0, low [256]; void Bridges(struct Graph *G, int u) { low[u] dfsnum[u] num++;
for (int v=0; G-V; ++v) {
if(G-adjMatrix[u][v] && dfsnum[v] == -1) { cutVertices(v);
if(low[v]> dfsnum[u])
print (u,v) as a bridge
low[u] = min (low[u], low[v]);
else // (u,v) is a back edge
low[u] = min(low[u], dfsnum[v]);
Problem-12 All pairs shortest path problem: Find the shortest graph distances between every pair of vertices in a given graph. Let us assume that the given graph does not have negative edges.
Solution: The problem can be solved using n applications of Dijkstra’s algorithm. That means we apply Dijkstra’s algorithm on each vertex of the given graph. This algorithm does not work if the graph has edges with negative weights.
Problem-13 In Problem-12, how do we solve the all pairs shortest path problem if the graph has edges with negative weights?
Solution: This can be solved by using the Floyd – Warshall algorithm. This algorithm also works in the case of a weighted graph where the edges have negative weights. This algorithm is an example of Dynamic Programming -refer to the Dynamic Programming chapter.
Problem-14 DFS Application: Cut Vertex or Articulation Points
Solution: In an undirected graph, a cut vertex (or articulation point) is a vertex, and if we remove it, then the graph splits into two disconnected components. As an example, consider the following figure. Removal of the “D” vertex divides the graph into two connected components ({E,F} and {A,B, C, G}).
Similarly, removal of the “C” vertex divides the graph into ({G} and {A, B,D,E,F}). For this graph, A and C are the cut vertices.

Note: A connected, undirected graph is called bi – connected if the graph is still connected after removing any vertex.
DFS provides a linear-time algorithm (O(n)) to find all cut vertices in a connected graph. Starting at any vertex, call a DFS and number the nodes as they are visited. For each vertex v, we call this DFS number dfsnum(v). The tree generated with DFS traversal is called DFS spanning tree. Then, for every vertex v in the DFS spanning tree, we compute the lowest-numbered vertex, which we call low(v), that is reachable from v by taking zero or more tree edges and then possibly one back edge (in that order).
Based on the above discussion, we need the following information for this algorithm: the dfsnum of each vertex in the DFS tree (once it gets visited), and for each vertex v, the lowest depth of neighbors of all descendants of v in the DFS tree, called the low.
The dfsnum can be computed during DFS. The low of v can be computed after visiting all descendants of v (i.e., just before v gets popped off the DFS stack) as the minimum of the dfsnum of all neighbors of v (other than the parent of v in the DFS tree) and the low of all children of v in the DFS tree.

The root vertex is a cut vertex if and only if it has at least two children. A non-root vertex u is a cut vertex if and only if there is a son v of u such that low(v) ≥ dfsnum(u). This property can be tested once the DFS is returned from every child of u (that means, just before u gets popped off the DFS stack), and if true, u separates the graph into different bi-connected components. This can be represented by computing one bi-connected component out of every such v (a component which contains v will contain the sub-tree of v, plus u), and then erasing the sub-tree of v from the tree.
For the given graph, the DFS tree with dfsnum/low can be given as shown in the figure below. The implementation for the above discussion is:
int adjMatrix [256] [256];
int dfsnum [256], num= 0, low [256]; void CutVertices( int u){ low[u] = dfsnum[u] = num++;
for (int v=0; v< 256; ++v) {
if(adjMatrix[u][v] && dfsnum[v] == -1) { CutVertices(v);
if(low[v]> dfsnum[u])
printf("Cut Vetex: %d",u);
low[u] = min (low[u], low[v]);
// (u,v) is a back edge low[u] = min(low[u], dfsnum[v]);
Problem-15 Let G be a connected graph of order n. What is the maximum number of cutvertices that G can contain?
Solution: n – 2. As an example, consider the following graph. In the graph below, except for the vertices 1 and n, all the remaining vertices are cut vertices. This is because removing 1 and n vertices does not split the graph into two. This is a case where we can get the maximum number of cut vertices.

Problem-16 DFS Application: Cut Bridges or Cut Edges
Solution: Definition: Let G be a connected graph. An edge uv in G is called a bridge of G if G – uv is disconnected. As an example, consider the following graph.

In the above graph, if we remove the edge uv then the graph splits into two components. For this graph, uv is a bridge. The discussion we had for cut vertices holds good for bridges also. The only change is, instead of printing the vertex, we give the edge. The main observation is that an edge (u, v) cannot be a bridge if it is part of a cycle. If (u, v) is not part of a cycle, then it is a bridge.
We can detect cycles in DFS by the presence of back edges, (u, v) is a bridge if and only if none of v or v’s children has a back edge to u or any of u’s ancestors. To detect whether any of v’s children has a back edge to u’s parent, we can use a similar idea as above to see what is the smallest dfsnum reachable from the subtree rooted at v.
void CountSimplePaths(struct Graph * G, int s, int d) {
int t;
Viisited[s] = 1; if(s == d) { count++; Visited[s] = 0;
for(t = 0; t
Problem-17 DFS Application: Discuss Euler Circuits
Solution: Before discussing this problem let us see the terminology:
• Eulerian tour- a path that contains all edges without repetition.
• Eulerian circuit – a path that contains all edges without repetition and starts and ends in the same vertex.
• Eulerian graph – a graph that contains an Eulerian circuit.
• Even vertex: a vertex that has an even number of incident edges.
• Odd vertex: a vertex that has an odd number of incident edges.
Euler circuit: For a given graph we have to reconstruct the circuits using a pen, drawing each line exactly once. We should not lift the pen from the paper while drawing. That means, we must find a path in the graph that visits every edge exactly once and this problem is called an Euler path (also called Euler tour) or Euler circuit problem. This puzzle has a simple solution based on DFS.
An Euler circuit exists if and only if the graph is connected and the number of neighbors of each vertex is even. Start with any node, select any untraversed outgoing edge, and follow it. Repeat until there are no more remaining unselected outgoing edges. For example, consider the following graph: A legal Euler Circuit of this graph is 0 1 3 4 1 2 3 5 4 2 0.

f we start at vertex 0, we can select the edge to vertex 1, then select the edge to vertex 2, then select the edge to vertex 0. There are now no remaining unchosen edges from vertex 0:

We now have a circuit 0,1,2,0 that does not traverse every edge. So, we pick some other vertex that is on that circuit, say vertex 1. We then do another depth first search of the remaining edges. Say we choose the edge to node 3, then 4, then 1. Again we are stuck. There are no more unchosen edges from node 1. We now splice this path 1,3,4,1 into the old path 0,1,2,0 to get: 0,1,3,4,1,2,0. The unchosen edges now look like this:

We can pick yet another vertex to start another DFS. If we pick vertex 2, and splice the path 2,3,5,4,2, then we get the final circuit 0,1,3,4,1,2,3,5,4,2,0.
A similar problem is to find a simple cycle in an undirected graph that visits every vertex. This is known as the Hamiltonian cycle problem. Although it seems almost identical to the Euler circuit problem, no efficient algorithm for it is known
• A connected undirected graph is Eulerian if and only if every graph vertex has an even degree, or exactly two vertices with an odd degree.
• A directed graph is Eulerian if it is strongly connected and every vertex has an equal in and out degree.
Application: A postman has to visit a set of streets in order to deliver mails and packages. He needs to find a path that starts and ends at the post-office, and that passes through each street (edge) exactly once. This way the postman will deliver mails and packages to all the necessary streets, and at the same time will spend minimum time/effort on the road.
Problem-18 DFS Application: Finding Strongly Connected Components.
Solution: This is another application of DFS. In a directed graph, two vertices u and v are strongly connected if and only if there exists a path from u to v and there exists a path from v to u. The strong connectedness is an equivalence relation.
• A vertex is strongly connected with itself
• If a vertex u is strongly connected to a vertex v, then v is strongly connected to u
• If a vertex u is strongly connected to a vertex v, and v is strongly connected to a vertex x, then u is strongly connected to x
What this says is, for a given directed graph we can divide it into strongly connected components. This problem can be solved by performing two depth-first searches. With two DFS searches we can test whether a given directed graph is strongly connected or not. We can also produce the subsets of vertices that are strongly connected.
• Perform DFS on given graph G.
• Number vertices of given graph G according to a post-order traversal of depth-first spanning forest.
• Construct graph Gr by reversing all edges in G.
• Perform DFS on Gr : Always start a new DFS (initial call to Visit) at the highestnumbered vertex.
• Each tree in the resulting depth-first spanning forest corresponds to a stronglyconnected component.
Why this algorithm works?
Let us consider two vertices, v and w. If they are in the same strongly connected component, then there are paths from v to W and from w to v in the original graph G, and hence also in Gr . If two vertices v and w are not in the same depth-first spanning tree of Gr , clearly they cannot be in the same strongly connected component. As an example, consider the graph shown below on the left. Let us assume this graph is G.

Now, as per the algorithm, performing DFS on this G graph gives the following diagram. The dotted line from C to A indicates a back edge.
Now, performing post order traversal on this tree gives: D,C,B and A

Now reverse the given graph G and call it Gr and at the same time assign postorder numbers to the vertices. The reversed graph Gr will look like:

The last step is performing DFS on this reversed graph Gr . While doing DFS, we need to consider the vertex which has the largest DFS number. So, first we start at A and with DFS we go to C and then B. At B, we cannot move further. This says that {A, B, C} is a strongly connected component. Now the only remaining element is D and we end our second DFS at D. So the connected components are: {A, B, C} and {D}.

The implementation based on this discussion can be shown as:
//Graph represented in adj matrix. int adjMatrix [256][256], table[256]; vector st;
int counter = 0;
//This table contains the DFS Search number int dfsnum [256], num= 0, low[256]; void Strongly Connected Components( int u) { low[u] = dfsnum[u] = num++;
Push(st, u);
for(int v=0; v< 256; ++v) {
if(graph[u][v] && table[v] == -1) {
if dfsnum[v] == -1)
Strongly ConnectedComponents(v); low[u] = min(low[u], low[v]);
if(low[u] == dfsnum[u]) {
while( table[u]! counter) {
table[st.back()] = counter; Push(st);
++ counter;
Problem-19 Count the number of connected components of Graph G which is represented in the adjacent matrix.
Solution: This problem can be solved with one extra counter in DFS
void BFS(struct Graph *G, int u) {
int v,
Queue Q = CreateQueue(); EnQueue(Q, u); while(!IsEmptyQueue(Q)) { u = DeQueue(Q);
Process u; //For example, print Visited[s]=1;
/* For example, if the adjacency matrix is used for representing the graph, then the condition be used for finding unvisited adjacent vertex of u is: if( !Visited[v] && G-Adj[u][v] ) */
for each unvisited adjacent node v of u{
EnQueue(Q, v);
void BFSTraversal(struct Graph *G) {
for (int i=0; i< G-V;i++) Visited[i]=0;
//This loop is required if the graph has more than one component
for (int i=0; i< G-V; i++)
BFS(G, i);
Time Complexity: Same as that of DFS and it depends on implementation. With adjacency matrix the complexity is O(|E| + |V|) and with adjacency matrix the complexity is O(|V| 2 ).
Problem-20 Can we solve the Problem-19, using BFS?
Solution: Yes. This problem can be solved with one extra counter in BFS.
//Visited[] is a global array. int Visited(G-V];
void DFS(struct Graph *G, int u) { Visited[u] = 1;
for(int v = 0; v
Time Complexity: Same as that of BFS and it depends on implementation. With adjacency matrix the complexity is O(|E| + |V|) and with adjacency matrix the complexity is O(|V| 2 ).
Problem-21 Let us assume that G(V,E) is an undirected graph. Give an algorithm for finding a spanning tree which takes O(|E|) time complexity (not necessarily a minimum spanning tree).
Solution: The test for a cycle can be done in constant time, by marking vertices that have been added to the set S. An edge will introduce a cycle, if both its vertices have already been marked. Algorithm:
S=0; //Assume S is a set for each edge e € E{
if(adding e to S doesn't form a cycle) {
add e to S;
mark e;
Problem-22 Is there any other way of solving 0?
Solution: Yes. We can run BFS and find the BFS tree for the graph (level order tree of the graph). Then start at the root element and keep moving to the next levels and at the same time we have to consider the nodes in the next level only once. That means, if we have a node with multiple input edges then we should consider only one of them; otherwise they will form a cycle.
Problem-23 Detecting a cycle in an undirected graph
Solution: An undirected graph is acyclic if and only if a DFS yields no back edges, edges (u, v) where v has already been discovered and is an ancestor of u.
• Execute DFS on the graph.
• If there is a back edge – the graph has a cycle. I
f the graph does not contain a cycle, then |E| < |V| and DFS cost O(|V|). If the graph contains a cycle, then a back edge is discovered after 2|V| steps at most.
Problem-24 Detecting a cycle in DAG

Cycle detection on a graph is different than on a tree. This is because in a graph, a node can have multiple parents. In a tree, the algorithm for detecting a cycle is to do a depth first search, marking nodes as they are encountered. If a previously marked node is seen again, then a cycle exists. This won’t work on a graph. Let us consider the graph shown in the figure below. If we use a tree cycle detection algorithm, then it will report the wrong result. That means that this graph has a cycle in it. But the given graph does not have a cycle in it. This is because node 3 will be seen twice in a DFS starting at node 1.
The cycle detection algorithm for trees can easily be modified to work for graphs. The key is that in a DFS of an acyclic graph, a node whose descendants have all been visited can be seen again without implying a cycle. But, if a node is seen for the second time before all its descendants have been visited, then there must be a cycle. Can you see why this is? Suppose there is a cycle containing node A. This means that A must be reachable from one of its descendants. So when the DFS is visiting that descendant, it will see A again, before it has finished visiting all of A’s descendants. So there is a cycle. In order to detect cycles, we can modify the depth first search.
int DetectCycle(struct Graph *G) { for (int i=0; i< G-V; i++) { Visited[s]=0;
Predecessor[i] = 0;
for (int i=0; i < G-V;i++) {
if(!Visited[i] && HasCycle(G, i)) return 1;
return false;;
int HasCycle(struct Graph *G, int u) {
for (int i=0; i< G-V; i++) {
if(G-Adj[s][i]) {
if(Predecessor[i]!= u && Visited[i]) return 1;
else {
Predecessor[i] = u; return HasCycle(G, i);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(V + E).
Problem-25 Given a directed acyclic graph, give an algorithm for finding its depth.
Solution: If it is an undirected graph, we can use the simple unweighted shortest path algorithm (check Shortest Path Algorithms section). We just need to return the highest number among all distances. For directed acyclic graph, we can solve by following the similar approach which we used for finding the depth in trees. In trees, we have solved this problem using level order traversal (with one extra special symbol to indicate the end of the level)
//Assuming the given graph is a DAG int DepthInDAG(struct Graph *G){ struct Queue *Q;
int counter;
int v, w;
Q = CreateQueue();
counter = 0;
for (v = 0; v< G→V; v++) if(indegree[v] == 0) EnQueue(Q, v);
EnQueue( Q, '$');
while(!IsEmptyQueue(Q)) { v = DeQueue(Q); if(y == $){
if(!IsEmptyQueue(Q)) EnQueue(Q, '$');
for each w adjacent to v
if(--indegree[w] == 0)
DeleteQueue(Q); return counter;
EnQueue (Q, w);
Total running time is O(V + E).
Problem-26 How many topological sorts of the following dag are there?

Solution: If we observe the above graph there are three stages with 2 vertices. In the early discussion of this chapter, we saw that topological sort picks the elements with zero indegree at any point of time. At each of the two vertices stages, we can first process either the top vertex or the bottom vertex. As a result, at each of these stages we have two possibilities. So the total number of possibilities is the multiplication of possibilities at each stage and that is, 2 × 2 × 2 = 8.
Problem-27 Unique topological ordering: Design an algorithm to determine whether a directed graph has a unique topological ordering.
Solution: A directed graph has a unique topological ordering if and only if there is a directed edge between each pair of consecutive vertices in the topological order. This can also be defined as: a directed graph has a unique topological ordering if and only if it has a Hamiltonian path. If the digraph has multiple topological orderings, then a second topological order can be obtained by swapping a pair of consecutive vertices.
Problem-28 Let us consider the prerequisites for courses at IIT Bombay. Suppose that all prerequisites are mandatory, every course is offered every semester, and there is no limit to the number of courses we can take in one semester. We would like to know the minimum number of semesters required to complete the major. Describe the data structure we would use to represent this problem, and outline a linear time algorithm for solving it.
Solution: Use a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The vertices represent courses and the edges represent the prerequisite relation between courses at IIT Bombay. It is a DAG, because the prerequisite relation has no cycles. The number of semesters required to complete the major is one more than the longest path in the dag. This can be calculated on the DFS tree recursively in linear time. The longest path out of a vertex x is 0 if x has outdegree 0, otherwise it is 1 + max {longest path out of y | (x,y) is an edge of G}.
Problem-29 At a university let’s say IIT Bombay), there is a list of courses along with their prerequisites. That means, two lists are given: A – Courses list B – Prerequisites: B contains couples (x,y) where x,y ∈ A indicating that course x can’t be taken before course y. Let us consider a student who wants to take only one course in a semester. Design a schedule for this student.
Example: A = {C-Lang, Data Structures, OS, CO, Algorithms, Design Patterns, Programming}. B = { (C-Lang, CO), (OS, CO), (Data Structures, Algorithms), (Design Patterns, Programming) }. One possible schedule could be:
Semester 1: Data Structures
Semester 2: Algorithms
Semester 3: C-Lang
Semester 4: OS
Semester 5: CO
Semester 6: Patterns
Semester 7: Programming
Solution: The solution to this problem is exactly the same as that of topological sort. Assume that the courses names are integers in the range [1..n], n is known (n is not constant). The relations between the courses will be represented by a directed graph G = (V,E), where V are the set of courses and if course i is prerequisite of course j, E will contain the edge (i,j). Let us assume that the graph will be represented as an Adjacency list.
First, let’s observe another algorithm to topologically sort a DAG in O(|V| + |E|).
• Find in-degree of all the vertices – O(|V| + |E|)
• Repeat: Find a vertex v with in-degree=0 – O(|V|) Output v and remove it from G, along with its edges – O(|V|) Reduce the in-degree of each node u such as (v, u) was an edge in G and keep a list of vertices with in-degree=0 – O(degree(v)) Repeat the process until all the vertices are removed
The time complexity of this algorithm is also the same as that of the topological sort and it is O(|V| + |E|)
Problem-30 In Problem-29, a student wants to take all the courses in A, in the minimal number of semesters. That means the student is ready to take any number of courses in a semester. Design a schedule for this scenario. One possible schedule is:
Semester 1: C-Lang, OS, Design Patterns
Semester 2: Data Structures, CO, Programming
Semester 3: Algorithms
Solution: A variation of the above topological sort algorithm with a slight change: In each semester, instead of taking one subject, take all the subjects with zero indegree. That means, execute the algorithm on all the nodes with degree 0 (instead of dealing with one source in each stage, all the sources will be dealt and printed). Time Complexity: O(|V| + |E|).
Problem-31 LCA of a DAG: Given a DAG and two vertices v and w, find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of v and w. The LCA of v and w is an ancestor of v and w that has no descendants that are also ancestors of v and w.
Hint: Define the height of a vertex v in a DAG to be the length of the longest path from root to v. Among the vertices that are ancestors of both v and w, the one with the greatest height is an LCA of v and w.
Problem-32 Shortest ancestral path: Given a DAG and two vertices v and w, find the shortest ancestral path between v and w. An ancestral path between v and w is a common ancestor x along with a shortest path from v to x and a shortest path from w to x. The shortest ancestral path is the ancestral path whose total length is minimized.
Hint: Run BFS two times. First run from v and second time from w. Find a DAG where the shortest ancestral path goes to a common ancestor x that is not an LCA.
Problem-33 Let us assume that we have two graphs G1 and G2 . How do we check whether they are isomorphic or not?
Solution: There are many ways of representing the same graph. As an example, consider the following simple graph. It can be seen that all the representations below have the same number of vertices and the same number of edges

Definition: Graphs G1 = {V1 , E1} and G2 = {V2 , E2} are isomorphic if
1) There is a one-to-one correspondence from V1 to V2 and
2) There is a one-to-one correspondence from E1 to E2 that map each edge of G1 to G2
. Now, for the given graphs how do we check whether they are isomorphic or not?
In general, it is not a simple task to prove that two graphs are isomorphic. For that reason we must consider some properties of isomorphic graphs. That means those properties must be satisfied if the graphs are isomorphic. If the given graph does not satisfy these properties then we say they are not isomorphic graphs.
Property: Two graphs are isomorphic if and only if for some ordering of their vertices their adjacency matrices are equal.
Based on the above property we decide whether the given graphs are isomorphic or not. I order to check the property, we need to do some matrix transformation operations.
Problem-34 How many simple undirected non-isomorphic graphs are there with n vertices?
Solution: We will try to answer this question in two steps. First, we count all labeled graphs. Assume all the representations below are labeled with {1,2,3} as vertices. The set of all such graphs for n = 3 are:

There are only two choices for each edge: it either exists or it does not. Therefore, since the maximum number of edges is( n/2 )and since the maximum number of edges in an undirected graph with n vertices is n(n-1)/2= nc2=n/2, the total number of undirected labeled graphs is . n(n/2)
Problem-35 Hamiltonian path in DAGs: Given a DAG, design a linear time algorithm to determine whether there is a path that visits each vertex exactly once.
Solution: The Hamiltonian path problem is an NP-Complete problem (for more details ref Complexity Classes chapter). To solve this problem, we will try to give the approximation algorithm (which solves the problem, but it may not always produce the optimal solution).
Let us consider the topological sort algorithm for solving this problem. Topological sort has an interesting property: that if all pairs of consecutive vertices in the sorted order are connected by edges, then these edges form a directed Hamiltonian path in the DAG. If a Hamiltonian path exists, the topological sort order is unique. Also, if a topological sort does not form a Hamiltonian path, the DAG will have two or more topological orderings.
Approximation Algorithm: Compute a topological sort and check if there is an edge between each consecutive pair of vertices in the topological order.
In an unweighted graph, find a path from s to t that visits each vertex exactly once. The basic solution based on backtracking is, we start at s and try all of its neighbors recursively, making sure we never visit the same vertex twice. The algorithm based on this implementation can be given as:
bool seenTable[32];
void HamiltonianPath( struct Graph *G, int u){ if( u == t)
else {
/* Check that we have seen all vertices. */
for(int v = 0; v < n; v++)
if( !seenTable[v] && G-Adj[u][v]) {
seenTable[v] = true; HamiltonianPath(v); seenTable[v] = false;
Note that if we have a partial path from s to u using vertices s = v1 , v2 ,…, vk = u, then we don’t care about the order in which we visited these vertices so as to figure out which vertex to visit next. All that we need to know is the set of vertices we have seen (the seenTable[] array) and which vertex we are at right now (u). There are 2 n possible sets of vertices and n choices for u. In other words, there are 2 n possible seenTable[] arrays and n different parameters to Hamiltonian_path(). What Hamiltonian_path() does during any particular recursive call is completely determined by the seenTable[ ] array and the parameter u.
Problem-36 For a given graph G with n vertices how many trees we can construct?
Solution: There is a simple formula for this problem and it is named after Arthur Cayley. For a given graph with n labeled vertices the formula for finding number of trees on is n n–2 . Below, the number of trees with different n values is shown

Problem-37 For a given graph G with n vertices how many spanning trees can we construct?
Solution: The solution to this problem is the same as that ofProblem-36. It is just another way of asking the same question. Because the number of edges in both regular tree and spanning tree are the same.
Problem-38 The Hamiltonian cycle problem: Is it possible to traverse each of the vertices of a graph exactly once, starting and ending at the same vertex?
Solution: Since the Hamiltonian path problem is an NP-Complete problem, the Hamiltonian cycle problem is an NP-Complete problem. A Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle that traverses every vertex of a graph exactly once. There are no known conditions in which are both necessary and sufficient, but there are a few sufficient conditions.
• For a graph to have a Hamiltonian cycle the degree of each vertex must be two or more.
• The Petersen graph does not have a Hamiltonian cycle and the graph is given below.

• In general, the more edges a graph has, the more likely it is to have a Hamiltonian cycle.
• Let G be a simple graph with n ≥ 3 vertices. If every vertex has a degree of at least n/2 , then G has a Hamiltonian cycle.
• The best known algorithm for finding a Hamiltonian cycle has an exponential worstcase complexity.
Note: For the approximation algorithm of Hamiltonian path, refer to the Dynamic Programming chapter.
Problem-39 What is the difference between Dijkstra’s and Prim’s algorithm?
Solution: Dijkstra’s algorithm is almost identical to that of Prim’s. The algorithm begins at a specific vertex and extends outward within the graph until all vertices have been reached. The only distinction is that Prim’s algorithm stores a minimum cost edge whereas Dijkstra’s algorithm stores the total cost from a source vertex to the current vertex. More simply, Dijkstra’s algorithm stores a summation of minimum cost edges whereas Prim’s algorithm stores at most one minimum cost edge.
Problem-40 Reversing Graph: : Give an algorithm that returns the reverse of the directed graph (each edge from v to w is replaced by an edge from w to v).
Solution: In graph theory, the reverse (also called transpose) of a directed graph G is another directed graph on the same set of vertices with all the edges reversed. That means, if G contains an edge (u, v) then the reverse of G contains an edge (v, u) and vice versa.
Graph Reverse The DirectedGraph(struct Graph *G) { Create new graph with name ReversedGraph and
let us assume that this will contain the reversed graph.
//The reversed graph also will contain same number of vertices and edges. for each vertex of given graph G{
for each vertex w adjacent to v{
Add the w to v edge in ReversedGraph;
// That means we just need to reverse the bits in adjacency matrix.
return ReversedGraph;
Problem-41 Travelling Sales Person Problem: Find the shortest path in a graph that visits each vertex at least once, starting and ending at the same vertex?
Solution: The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is related to finding a Hamiltonian cycle. Given a weighted graph G, we want to find the shortest cycle (may be non-simple) that visits all the vertices.
Approximation algorithm: This algorithm does not solve the problem but gives a solution which is within a factor of 2 of optimal (in the worst-case).
1) Find a Minimal Spanning Tree (MST).
2) Do a DFS of the MST.
For details, refer to the chapter on Complexity Classes.
Problem-42 Discuss Bipartite matchings?
Solution: In Bipartite graphs, we divide the graphs in to two disjoint sets, and each edge connects a vertex from one set to a vertex in another subset (as shown in figure).
Definition: A simple graph G = (V, E) is called a bipartite graph if its vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets V = V1 ⋃ V2 , such that every edge has the form e = (a,b) where a ∈ V1 and b ∈ V2 . One important condition is that no vertices both in V1 or both in V2 are connected.

Properties of Bipartite Graphs
• A graph is called bipartite if and only if the given graph does not have an odd length cycle.
• A complete bipartite graph Km,n is a bipartite graph that has each vertex from one set adjacent to each vertex from another set

• A subset of edges M ⊂ E is a matching if no two edges have a common vertex. As an example, matching sets of edges are represented wit dotted lines. A matching M is called maximum if it has the largest number of possible edges. In the graphs, the dotted edges represent the alternative matching for the given graph

• A matching M is perfect if it matches all vertices. We must have V1 = V2 in order to have perfect matching.
• An alternating path is a path whose edges alternate between matched and unmatched edges. If we find an alternating path, then we can improve the matching. This is because an alternating path consists of matched and unmatched edges. The number of unmatched edges exceeds the number of matched edges by one. Therefore, an alternating path always increases the matching by one.
The next question is, how do we find a perfect matching? Based on the above theory and definition, we can find the perfect matching with the following approximation algorithm.
Matching Algorithm (Hungarian algorithm)
1) Start at unmatched vertex.
2) Find an alternating path.
3) If it exists, change matching edges to no matching edges and conversely. If it does not exist, choose another unmatched vertex.
4) If the number of edges equals V/2, stop. Otherwise proceed to step 1 and repeat, as long as all vertices have been examined without finding any alternating paths.
Time Complexity of the Matching Algorithm: The number of iterations is in O(V). The complexity of finding an alternating path using BFS is O(E). Therefore, the total time complexity is O(V × E).
Problem-43 Marriage and Personnel Problem?
Marriage Problem: There are X men and Y women who desire to get married. Participants indicate who among the opposite sex could be a potential spouse for them. Every woman can be married to at most one man, and every man to at most one woman. How can we marry everybody to someone they like?
Personnel Problem: You are the boss of a company. The company has M workers and N jobs. Each worker is qualified to do some jobs, but not others. How will you assign jobs to each worker?
Solution: These two cases are just another way of asking about bipartite graphs, and the solution is the same as that of Problem-42.
Problem-44 How many edges will be there in complete bipartite graph Km,n?
Solution: m × n. This is because each vertex in the first set can connect all vertices in the second set.
Problem-45 A graph is called a regular graph if it has no loops and multiple edges where each vertex has the same number of neighbors; i.e., every vertex has the same degree. Now, if Km,n is a regular graph, what is the relation between m and n?
Solution: Since each vertex should have the same degree, the relation should be m = n.
Problem-46 What is the maximum number of edges in the maximum matching of a bipartite graph with n vertices?
Solution: From the definition of matching, we should not have edges with common vertices. So in a bipartite graph, each vertex can connect to only one vertex. Since we divide the total vertices into two sets, we can get the maximum number of edges if we divide them in half. Finally the answer is n/2 .
Problem-47 Discuss Planar Graphs. Planar graph: Is it possible to draw the edges of a graph in such a way that the edges do not cross?
Solution: A graph G is said to be planar if it can be drawn in the plane in such a way that no two edges meet each other except at a vertex to which they are incident. Any such drawing is called a plane drawing of G. As an example consider the below graph:

This graph we can easily convert to a planar graph as below (without any crossed edges).

How do we decide whether a given graph is planar or not?
The solution to this problem is not simple, but researchers have found some interesting properties that we can use to decide whether the given graph is a planar graph or not.
Properties of Planar Graphs
• If a graph G is a connected planar simple graph with V vertices, where V = 3 and E edges, then E = 3V – 6.
• K5 is non-planar. [K5 stands for complete graph with 5 vertices].
• If a graph G is a connected planar simple graph with V vertices and E edges, and no triangles, then E = 2V – 4.
• K3,3 is non-planar. [K3,3 stands for bipartite graph with 3 vertices on one side and the other 3 vertices on the other side. K3,3 contains 6 vertices].
• If a graph G is a connected planar simple graph, then G contains at least one vertex of 5 degrees or less.
• A graph is planar if and only if it does not contain a subgraph that has K5 and K3 ,3 as a contraction.
• If a graph G contains a nonplanar graph as a subgraph, then G is non-planar.
• If a graph G is a planar graph, then every subgraph of G is planar.
• For any connected planar graph G = (V,E), the following formula should hold: V + F – E = 2, where F stands for the number of faces.
• For any planar graph G = (V, E) with K components, the following formula holds: V + F – E = 1 + K.
In order to test the planarity of a given graph, we use these properties and decide whether it is a planar graph or not. Note that all the above properties are only the necessary conditions but not sufficient.
Problem-48 How many faces does K2,3 have?
Solution: From the above discussion, we know that V + F – E = 2, and from an earlier problem we know that E = m × n = 2 × 3 = 6 and V = m + n = 5. ∴ 5 + F – 6 = 2 ⇒ F = 3.
Problem-49 Discuss Graph Coloring
Solution: A k –coloring of a graph G is an assignment of one color to each vertex of G such that no more than k colors are used and no two adjacent vertices receive the same color. A graph is called k –colorable if and only if it has a k –coloring.
Applications of Graph Coloring: The graph coloring problem has many applications such as scheduling, register allocation in compilers, frequency assignment in mobile radios, etc.
Clique: A clique in a graph G is the maximum complete subgraph and is denoted by ω(G).
Chromatic number: The chromatic number of a graph G is the smallest number k such that G is k –colorable, and it is denoted by X (G).
The lower bound for X (G) is ω(G), and that means ω(G) ≤ X (G).
Properties of Chromatic number: Let G be a graph with n vertices and G′ is its complement. Then,
• X (G) ≤ ∆ (G) + 1, where ∆ (G) is the maximum degree of G.
• X(G) ω(G′) ≥ n
• X(G) + ω(G′) ≤ n + 1
• X(G) + (G′) ≤ n + 1
K-colorability problem: Given a graph G = (V,E) and a positive integer k ≤ V. Check whether G is k –colorable?
This problem is NP-complete and will be discussed in detail in the chapter on Complexity Classes.
Graph coloring algorithm: As discussed earlier, this problem is NP-Complete. So we do not have a polynomial time algorithm to determine X(G). Let us consider the following approximation (no efficient) algorithm.
• Consider a graph G with two non-adjacent vertices a and b. The connection G1 is obtained by joining the two non-adjacent vertices a and b with an edge. The contraction G2 is obtained by shrinking {a,b} into a single vertex c(a, b) and by joining it to each neighbor in G of vertex a and of vertex b (and eliminating multiple edges).
• A coloring of G in which a and b have the same color yields a coloring of G1 . A coloring of G in which a and b have different colors yields a coloring of G2 .
• Repeat the operations of connection and contraction in each graph generated, until the resulting graphs are all cliques. If the smallest resulting clique is a K –clique, then (G) = K.
Important notes on Graph Coloring
• Any simple planar graph G can be colored with 6 colors.
• Every simple planar graph can be colored with less than or equal to 5 colors
Problem-50 What is the four coloring problem?
Solution: A graph can be constructed from any map. The regions of the map are represented by the vertices of the graph, and two vertices are joined by an edge if the regions corresponding to the vertices are adjacent. The resulting graph is planar. That means it can be drawn in the plane without any edges crossing. The Four Color Problem is whether the vertices of a planar graph can be colored with at most four colors so that no two adjacent vertices use the same color. History: The Four Color Problem was first given by Francis Guthrie. He was a student at University College London where he studied under Augusts De Morgan. After graduating from London he studied law, but some years later his brother Frederick Guthrie had become a student of De Morgan. One day Francis asked his brother to discuss this problem with De Morgan.
Problem-51 When an adjacency-matrix representation is used, most graph algorithms require time O(V 2 ). Show that determining whether a directed graph, represented in an adjacency- matrix that contains a sink can be done in time O(V). A sink is a vertex with in-degree |V| – 1 and out-degree 0 (Only one can exist in a graph).
Solution: A vertex i is a sink if and only if M[i,j] = 0 for all j and M[j, i] = 1 for all j ≠ i. For any pair of vertices i and j

• Start at i = 1,j = 1
• If M[i,j] = 0 → i wins, j + +
• If M[i,j] = 1 → j wins, i + +
• Proceed with this process until j = n or i = n + 1
• If i == n + 1, the graph does not contain a sink
• Otherwise, check row i – it should be all zeros; and check column i – it should be all but M[i, i] ones; – if so, t is a sink.
Time Complexity: O(V), because at most 2|V| cells in the matrix are examined.
Problem-52 What is the worst – case memory usage of DFS?
Solution: It occurs when the O(|V|), which happens if the graph is actually a list. So the algorithm is memory efficient on graphs with small diameter.

Problem-53 Does DFS find the shortest path from start node to some node w ?
Solution: No. In DFS it is not compulsory to select the smallest weight edge.
Problem-54 True or False: Dijkstra’s algorithm does not compute the “all pairs” shortest paths in a directed graph with positive edge weights because, running the algorithm a single time, starting from some single vertex x, it will compute only the min distance from x to y for all nodes y in the graph. Solution: True. Problem-55 True or False: Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms may compute different minimum spanning trees when run on the same graph.
Solution: True.