Divide Nodes Into the Maximum Number of Groups

Problem Statement

  • Aapko ek positive integer n diya gaya hai jo ek undirected graph mein nodes ke number ko represent karta hai. Nodes ko 1 se n tak label kiya gaya hai.

    Aapko ek 2D integer array edges bhi diya gaya hai, jahan edges[i] = [ai, bi] indicate karta hai ki nodes ai aur bi ke beech ek bidirectional edge hai. Yeh dhyaan rakhiye ki diya gaya graph disconnnected bhi ho sakta hai.


    Aapko nodes ko m groups (1-indexed) mein divide karna hai, jahan:

    1. Har node graph mein exactly ek group ko belong karti hai.

    2. Har pair of nodes jo edge [ai, bi] se connected hain, agar ai group x mein belong karti hai aur bi group y mein belong karti hai, to |y - x| = 1 hona chahiye.

    Aapko maximum groups (m) return karne hain jinme aap nodes ko divide kar sakte hain. Agar given conditions ke sath grouping possible nahi hai, to -1 return karna hai.

    Example Explanation:

    Example 1:

    Input: n = 6, edges = [[1,2],[1,4],[1,5],[2,6],[2,3],[4,6]] Output: 4

    • Node 5 ko first group mein add karte hain.

    • Node 1 ko second group mein add karte hain.

    • Nodes 2 aur 4 ko third group mein add karte hain.

    • Nodes 3 aur 6 ko fourth group mein add karte hain. Is tarah se har edge ka condition satisfy hota hai. Agar fifth group create karte hain aur kisi bhi node ko third ya fourth group se fifth group mein move karte hain, to kam se kam ek edge unsatisfied rahegi.

    Example 2:

    Input: n = 3, edges = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,1]] Output: -1

    • Agar hum node 1 ko first group mein, node 2 ko second group mein aur node 3 ko third group mein add karte hain to pehli do edges satisfy hoti hain, lekin third edge unsatisfied rahegi.

    • Iska matlab hai ki koi grouping possible nahi hai jo conditions ko satisfy kar sake.


    • 1 <= n <= 500

    • 1 <= edges.length <= 104

    • edges[i].length == 2

    • 1 <= ai, bi <= n

    • ai != bi

    • Maximum ek edge ho sakti hai kisi bhi pair of vertices ke beech.

Divide Nodes Into the Maximum Number of Groups

Is problem mein humein nodes ko aise groups mein divide karna hai ki jo nodes connected hain, woh consecutive groups mein belong karein. Yeh bipartite graph structure ki taraf hint karta hai jahan nodes ko alternating colors (0 aur 1) assign karte hain. Agar graph mein odd-length cycles hoti hain, to nodes ko required conditions ke sath divide karna impossible hota hai.

Graph Construction Build an adjacency list from the given edges. Check Bipartiteness using DFS If a node is unvisited, start a DFS to assign colors (0 or 1). If a conflict arises (same color assigned to adjacent nodes), return −1. Find Maximum Depth in Each Component using BFS For each connected component, perform BFS from each node to determine the maximum depth. The largestdepth found across all BFS runs is the number of groups for that component. Sum the Maximum Depths The sum of the depths across all connected components gives the final answer.

Graph Construction Complexity:

  • Graph Construction: Graph ko construct karne mein nodes aur edges ko add karna include hota hai. Yani, agar n nodes aur m edges hain, to graph construct karne ki complexity O(n + m) hoti hai.

    • Explanation: Har node aur edge ko ek baar process karte hain, isliye overall time complexity O(n + m) hoti hai.

DFS for Bipartiteness Check:

  • DFS (Depth-First Search): Graph ko bipartite check karne ke liye DFS algorithm use hota hai. Is process ki complexity bhi O(n + m) hoti hai.

    • Explanation: DFS har node aur edge ko ek baar traverse karta hai, jisme nodes aur edges ko visit karte hain. Isi liye complexity O(n + m) hoti hai.

BFS for Maximum Depth:

  • BFS (Breadth-First Search): Graph ke har connected component mein maximum depth find karne ke liye BFS algorithm use hota hai. Iski complexity bhi O(n + m) hoti hai.

    • Explanation: Har BFS operation graph ke sabhi edges aur nodes ko ek baar traverse karta hai. Jab hum BFS ko har node se perform karte hain, to har edge component mein sirf ek baar visit hota hai, isliye overall complexity O(n + m) hoti hai.


  • BFS Traversal: Har BFS operation graph ke edges aur nodes ko traverse karta hai, lekin har edge sirf ek baar visit hota hai har component mein.

    • Explanation: Isliye, BFS ki complexity har component ke liye O(n + m) hi rehti hai, jo puri graph ke liye bhi O(n + m) hoti hai.

Overall Complexity:

  • Total Complexity: Graph construction, DFS for bipartiteness check, aur BFS for maximum depth sabka combined complexity O(n + m) hota hai.

    • Explanation: Sabhi individual operations ka complexity O(n + m) hai, isliye overall complexity bhi O(n + m) hi rehti hai.


					class Solution {
    magnificentSets(n, edges) {
        // Graph ko represent karne ke liye adjacency list banate hain
        const adj = Array.from({ length: n }, () => []);

        for (const [a, b] of edges) {
            adj[a - 1].push(b - 1);
            adj[b - 1].push(a - 1);

        const color = Array(n).fill(-1);
        const components = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            if (color[i] === -1) {
                if (!this.dfs(i, 0, adj, color, components[components.length - 1])) return -1;

        let maxGroups = 0;
        for (const comp of components) {
            maxGroups += this.bfsMaxDepth(comp, adj);

        return maxGroups;

    dfs(node, col, adj, color, comp) {
        color[node] = col;

        for (const neighbor of adj[node]) {
            if (color[neighbor] === col) return false; // Agar neighbor ka color same hai to false return karo
            if (color[neighbor] === -1 && !this.dfs(neighbor, 1 - col, adj, color, comp)) return false; // Agar neighbor unvisited hai to DFS se check karo

        return true;

    bfsMaxDepth(comp, adj) {
        let maxDepth = 0;

        for (const start of comp) {
            const depth = Array(adj.length).fill(-1);
            const queue = [start];
            depth[start] = 0;

            for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i) {
                const node = queue[i];
                for (const neighbor of adj[node]) {
                    if (depth[neighbor] === -1) {
                        depth[neighbor] = depth[node] + 1; // Depth increment karo
                        queue.push(neighbor); // Neighbor ko queue mein add karo

            maxDepth = Math.max(maxDepth, Math.max(...depth)); // Maximum depth ko update karo

        return maxDepth + 1; // Total groups ka count return karo

  • Graph Construction:

    • Pehle graph ko adjacency list ke form mein banate hain. Har node ke neighbors ko store karte hain taki unhe access karna easy ho.

  • DFS for Bipartiteness Check:

    • Har node ka color set karte hain (0 ya 1) to check whether the graph is bipartite.

    • DFS algorithm use karke check karte hain ki koi odd-length cycle to nahi hai. Agar aisi cycle milti hai to graph bipartite nahi hai aur solution possible nahi hai, return -1.

  • Collecting Connected Components:

    • DFS se connected components ko collect karte hain. Har component ko ek separate list mein store karte hain.

  • BFS for Maximum Depth:

    • Har connected component ke nodes ki maximum depth find karte hain using BFS.

    • BFS traversal ka use karke sabse door nodes ko find karte hain aur depth ko update karte hain.

    • Har component ki maximum depth find karne ke baad, us depth ko total groups mein add kar dete hain.


					class Solution {
    int magnificentSets(int n, vector<vector<int>>& edges) {
        // Graph ko represent karne ke liye adjacency list banate hain
        vector<vector<int>> adj(n);
        for (const auto& e : edges) {
            adj[e[0] - 1].push_back(e[1] - 1); // Edge ko add karte hain (0-based index)
            adj[e[1] - 1].push_back(e[0] - 1); // Edge ko add karte hain (0-based index)

        // Sab nodes ke colors ko initialize karte hain as -1 (unvisited)
        vector<int> color(n, -1);
        vector<vector<int>> components;

        // Har node ke liye check karte hain agar wo unvisited hai
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            if (color[i] == -1) {
                components.emplace_back(); // Naya component banate hain
                if (!dfs(i, 0, adj, color, components.back())) return -1; // DFS se bipartiteness check karte hain

        int maxGroups = 0;
        // Har component ke liye maximum depth find karte hain
        for (const auto& comp : components) {
            maxGroups += bfsMaxDepth(comp, adj);
        return maxGroups; // Maximum groups return karte hain

    // DFS function bipartiteness check karne ke liye
    bool dfs(int node, int col, const vector<vector<int>>& adj, vector<int>& color, vector<int>& comp) {
        color[node] = col; // Node ka color set karte hain
        comp.push_back(node); // Node ko component mein add karte hain
        for (int neighbor : adj[node]) {
            if (color[neighbor] == col) return false; // Agar neighbor ka color same hai, false return karte hain
            if (color[neighbor] == -1 && !dfs(neighbor, 1 - col, adj, color, comp)) return false; // DFS se color change karte hain
        return true; // True return karte hain agar bipartite hai

    // BFS function maximum depth find karne ke liye
    int bfsMaxDepth(const vector<int>& comp, const vector<vector<int>>& adj) {
        int maxDepth = 0;
        for (int start : comp) {
            vector<int> depth(adj.size(), -1);
            vector<int> queue = {start};
            depth[start] = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < queue.size(); ++i) {
                int node = queue[i];
                for (int neighbor : adj[node]) {
                    if (depth[neighbor] == -1) {
                        depth[neighbor] = depth[node] + 1; // Depth increment karte hain
                        queue.push_back(neighbor); // Queue mein neighbor ko add karte hain
            maxDepth = max(maxDepth, *max_element(depth.begin(), depth.end())); // Maximum depth ko update karte hain
        return maxDepth + 1; // Total groups ka count return karte hain

      • Graph Construction:

        • Sabse pehle, graph ko adjacency list ke form mein construct kiya gaya hai. Matlab, har node ke saath uske connected nodes ko store kiya gaya hai. Isse nodes aur edges ka relation maintain hota hai.

      • Bipartiteness Check with DFS:

        • Yeh function check karta hai ki graph bipartite hai ya nahi. Bipartite graph mein nodes ko do sets mein divide kar sakte hain jahan adjacent nodes alag-alag sets mein ho.

        • DFS algorithm ka use karke har node ko color kiya jata hai (0 ya 1) aur check kiya jata hai ki koi odd-length cycle to nahi hai. Agar koi odd-length cycle milti hai, to graph bipartite nahi hai aur solution possible nahi hai, return -1 hota hai.

      • Collecting Connected Components:

        • Agar graph bipartite hai, to har connected component ko collect karte hain. Har component ko ek list mein store kiya jata hai. Yeh components graph ke disconnected parts hain jo internally connected hain.

      • Finding Maximum Depth with BFS:

        • Har connected component ke nodes ki maximum depth find ki jati hai using BFS. Matlab, ek node se sabse door wali node tak ka distance nikalte hain.

        • BFS traversal se har node ka depth calculate hota hai aur har component ka maximum depth find kiya jata hai.

        • Maximum depth ka sum calculate karte hain taki total groups ka count mil sake.